- homemade bran muffins
- free pizza
- lunch with friends today
- our remodeling project getting started
- Steve's amazing skills for said project
- hot showers
- the GEMS girls
- Christ suffering on the cross in my place
- His patience with me
- all the ways Steve serves me and cares for me
- phone conversations with faraway friends
Add yours below!
1 comment:
Hey Amy...it is my first time here and I love your blog. My husband and I are in ministry in London (UK) among South Asians. We have been here for a year with our three kids.
As for your post...there is a lot I am thankful for so
I can't even begin to list. I will just say that I am so grateful for God loving me where I am while showing me who He needs for me to be. I have wonderful children and a husband who loves me well.
Thanks for reminding me of how I am blessed.
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