I've seen this on a few blogs before and saved it for a rainy day...today seemed like a good day to join in. I thought it was just a simple meme, but apparently there's a whole blog devoted to it--so if you'd like to play along, visit
The Simple Woman's Daybook.
Outside my window...a little dreary, supposed to storm later. Unfortunately I'll have to postpone washing sheets/towels another day if I want to hang them on the line. I like thunderstorms but not the accompanying tornado warnings...
I am thinking...
about mentoring--spent some time this morning praying for the beautiful women who have mentored me and the beautiful women I've had the privilege of mentoring, and asking God to provide opportunities to invest and be invested in again soon.
I am thankful for...
all the growth and changes we've seen in Elijah over the last week or so. He continues to surprise and amaze me!
From the kitchen...
Key Lime White Chocolate Coolers (meltaway cookies) for today's playdate. I've only made them once before, almost four years ago. I'm wishing I'd remembered to add salt, even though it wasn't called for in the recipe. Why don't ALL recipes for sweets call for salt? You always need at least a pinch! Dinner is caprese sandwiches: tomatoes from a roadside stand, fresh mozzarella, and fresh basil from our plant, on homemade artisan bread.
I am wearing...
my bathing suit, just in case we decide to swim at playdate today, underneath a white t-shirt and a yellow skirt. Matching yellow flip-flops of course :)
I am creating...
two things--or rather, I *did* create two things. Spent the weekend making a "My Family" photo book for Elijah and putting together a "
visual journal" for myself. I'm excited about how both turned out.
I am going...
to our pastor's home for our weekly playdate--his wife is so generous and kind to open her home to several moms and young kids every Tuesday!
I am reading...
The Shack by William Paul Young; When Helping Hurts by Fikkert and Corbett; Portraits of Christ in Genesis by M.R. DeHaan
I am hoping...
for grace to be the mother Elijah needs, to die to self.
I am hearing...
toddler babbling, the oven buzzer, and David Crowder Band playing in the background (an album I downloaded last week for $2.99 after a heads-up from
Around the house...
Elijah has rediscovered the little rocking chair he got for Christmas, but seems to have forgotten that he can get into and out of it by himself, resulting in a fair amount of whining for help. Books *everywhere*--but who was it that said "A room without books is like a body without a soul"? No soulless rooms at the Kannel house... *smile* The kitchen is amazingly NOT piled high with dishes, but the kitchen table (we eat in the dining room, so this is an extra table) is, as usual, piled high with produce and miscellaneous junk. I've got to find a way to keep that cleared off!
One of my favorite things...
grabbing big-as-your-head burritos from Qdoba and heading to Centennial Park with my guys, as we did last Friday night.
A few plans for the rest of the week...
lots of fun things to look forward to. Two shared meals this week--a friend is coming over with her baby girl for lunch tomorrow, and we've been invited to dinner with a couple from our new church on Thursday! Plus prayer meeting on Wednesday night, an appointment for Elijah on Thursday, scrapbooking/stamping with some ladies from church on Saturday, and enjoying a three-day weekend with Steve (he has Monday off). We were hoping to go up to Mammoth Cave, but they don't allow backpack child carriers, apparently...not sure what we'll do.
A picture thought I am sharing...
just a fun bathtime shot of my little cutie--I posted a couple of photos of him in my vacation recap, but none were great close-ups :)