Tuesday, November 29, 2005
An Eventful Weekend at Home
We got to see our favorite (read: only) nephew, Dawson, who's growing like crazy. He is now seven months old and the most joyful and entertaining baby I have seen. Kaleb (his dad) got him up even though he'd just been put to bed when we arrived...you'd expect a baby to be cranky under such circumstances, but instead he had me laughing the whole time. Hilarious and just adorable, as you can see.
Thursday was full of family gatherings and gorging ourselves on good food, of course. Actually I didn't do too badly--paced myself so that I was pleasantly full but not miserable. I considered this a huge success...though the cumulative effect of the weekend was three extra pounds on the scale :(
Friday night featured a family night with the Kannels, complete with a science experiment! Ben (Steve's little brother) had recently gone on a science field trip and was telling us about a challenge to build a tower with 40 pieces of spaghetti and 40 mini-marshmallows. The winning tower had held 79 pennies on a cardboard platform. Well, that had us curious. So my mother-in-law produced the supplies and Ben explained the requirements. My brilliant husband far surpassed the winning tower--though of course, he has an engineering degree, and these were eighth graders. But the tower he built with his dad and brother held three rolls of various coins plus several extra pennies before it finally toppled!
I've wanted to have a quilt made from my old volleyball t-shirts ever since I saw my friend Brianne's quilt. This weekend, I finally got to pick up my own quilt! Steve's cousin Priscilla agreed to take on the project last winter--she finished it in August but I didn't get it until now. She did fantastic work--it is exactly what I had hoped for and so heavy and warm! I was so excited.
Saturday featured lunch with Jules--it was so good to catch up with her, though of course not long enough--and a Christmas shopping trip with my mom. We had a great time together and enjoyed dinner at the new Bravo at the mall! Yum!
Then on Sunday, we headed to Indiana for another Thanksgiving. Afterward we got to stop and see my newest cousin, Matthew. He's a cutie!
That should have marked the end of our time at home. But it wasn't so. To make a very long story short, my car's minor problems turned major. God was so good to us in that had we not stopped to see my cousins, we might have been stranded on the highway somewhere in the middle of the Indiana cornfields. Instead we were only a few blocks from their house, and my parents were still there. So we left the car and went back home with my family--only to return to Fort Wayne on Monday, load up the car and arrange to have it worked on. We're so thankful for the generosity of Steve's grandparents, who are letting us borrow their extra car until Christmas.
At any rate, we finally made it home last night and it is good to be back. As I remarked to Steve: Funny how "home" always seems to be somewhere you're not. A week ago, we were eagerly anticipating "going home" and remarking how long it had been. Last night, we were anxiously looking forward to "getting home" again.
Must-Read Blog
And if you don't have a Bloglines (or other similar) account...well, my friend, what are you waiting for?
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
100 Reasons to Thank My Heavenly Father:
- The incarnation
- The cross
- The empty tomb
- The promise of eternal life
- My incredible husband
- Loving and supportive parents
- Wonderful in-laws
- God's sovereignty
- Bright colors
- Clear and starry night skies in the country
- The ability to walk
- Mentors Diane and Lyn
- Clothes that keep me warm
- Shoes that fit
- Grace
- Dogs
- The ability to sing
- Laughter
- Chocolate
- A dream wedding and honeymoon
- Singing in the IWU Chorale
- Hot showers
- Old friends
- New friends
- Extended family
- God's constant and unchanging nature
- Indoor plumbing
- Fuzzy slippers
- Thick blankets
- Good metabolism
- My own copies, in my own language, of God's Word
- Sight
- Taste
- Touch
- Smell
- Hearing
- Memory
- Sanity
- My trusty Toyota Camry (and the good gas mileage it gets)
- Our apartment
- A computer and high-speed internet
- Getting to be part of God's provision and blessing to someone else
- A college education
- Literacy
- Ballpoint pens
- Freedom to worship God without persecution
- Calvary Bible Church
- Notes of encouragement
- Unlimited time during the day to spend with God
- A dishwasher
- Health insurance
- Air conditioning
- Heat
- Volumes of old journals
- Lakeside
- Sunday night Bible study
- The ease of long-distance communication
- Digital camera
- Changing seasons
- Kingdom Building Ministries
- Medicine
- Furniture
- The convenience of a grocery store
- Washing machine and dryer
- God's steadfast love
- God's discipline
- Unexpected phone calls from friends
- College professors who cared about me and poured into me
- CD collection
- Growing up in a stable and whole home
- Electricity
- Permission to approach God's throne boldly
- Assurance that He hears and will answer my prayers
- Forgiveness for my sin
- God's patience with me
- Chapstick
- Computer programs that make it easier to study the Bible
- Joy
- Hope
- Sleep
- God's wisdom and guidance
- Scented candles
- Backrubs
- Knowing I am never truly alone
- Fresh insights and perspectives from other believers
- Hugs
- Kisses
- Girls I've mentored
- Smiles
- Children
- The Holy Spirit and the seal of redemption on me
- God's promise that He'll finish what He started in me
- Pizza
- Traveling with Brother's Keeper
- Clean air and the ability to breathe easily
- Safe drinking water
- Protection from so much evil (from without and from within)
- The battle has already been won
- Mercy
- Being known intimately
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Two Step
Two Names You Go By
1. Ame
2. Amers
Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. German
2. English
Two Things That Scare You
1. Loved ones dying without Christ
2. Parenting
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. a big hug from my hubby
2. chocolate
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. stretch jeans
2. a green long-sleeved t-shirt
Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
1. Nichole Nordeman
2. Selah
Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
1. A man who will take the lead and step up to fulfill his God-given role
2. Laughter
Two Truths
1. I have nothing to be prideful about...apart from Christ I have nothing, I can do nothing, I am nothing.
2. God is bigger than you or I can ever wrap our finite brains around.
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You
1. Strong shoulders/arms/hands
2. Eyes that are bluish/greenish/greyish/hazelish
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Reading
2. Singing
Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. To be consistently faithful in the small things
2. my marriage to reflect and magnify Christ
Two Places You Want to Go on Vacation
1. Europe
2. Israel
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Have kids
2. Work as an editor for a publishing house
Two Ways That You are Stereotypically a Girl
1. I talk an awful lot
2. I overanalyze everything
Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
1. I'm always comparing myself to others
2. I'm nervous and insecure in crowds of people I don't know well
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. There are so many other things I should be doing right now...how do I manage to waste so much time?
2. It's cold...I want to go make some "coffee" (translation: hot chocolate with a spoonful of caramel and enough strong coffee--not even espresso--to fill the mug).
Two Stores You Shop At
1. New York & Company
2. Linens & Things
Two People You Haven't Talked to in a Long Time
1. Janet (the only person who calls me "Amers")
2. Dr. Mary Brown
Two Bloggers Who May Now Dislike You for Passing This on to Them
1. Julie at Musings, Reflections and Other Random Thoughts
2. Kayla at Life
Have fun!
Like My New Look?
Monday, November 21, 2005
Attitude of Gratitude
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!” (Ps. 100:4 ESV)
What does God value as we enter His presence? Gratefulness.
Our culture puts a high value on being “real” as we come before God. Genuine. Vulnerable. Authentic. The Psalmists don’t hesitate to tell God when life is a mess and they’re struggling. (Check out Psalm 13, 42, and 88). But in a society where self-expression is often hailed as the ultimate virtue, I’m not sure that “being real” before God is my problem. Being thankful is. Why is God so concerned that we be grateful? There are a number of reasons. Here are two.
Go read the whole post! It's some valuable and much-needed perspective for me this Thanksgiving--and EVERY day of the year.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Calvary Bible Church
We feel blessed to have found a great little church about 25 minutes away from us called Calvary Bible Church. The first thing that captured us was the people. At some churches, no one may even notice that you're new. Surely you can get plugged in and meet people, but probably you will have to be very proactive about it. At other churches, people around you will say hi during the "greet your neighbor" time, but they may or may not even tell you their name. At other churches, the ushers/greeters will notice that you're new and welcome you, but that's about it.
But then there's CBC. The first time we went there, we were amazed at how welcoming everyone was. From the minute we walked in, a steady stream of people went out of their way to come over and introduce themselves to us and let us know that they were glad to have us. They genuinely wanted to know who we were, what brought us to their church, where we were from, etc. (and although it did get a little tiresome answering the same questions five hundred times, it was so refreshing to feel like people cared!). One guy came over and stopped us while we were on our way out the door so he could introduce himself to us. We just felt so welcomed--it was the first thing that made us want to keep coming back.
Pastor Dave Harrell preaches expositionally, and he is a wonderful teacher of the Word. He doesn't pull any punches and he has a sincere passion for his flock to know and love the truth. He doesn't preach superficial sermons; he digs deep. We are currently in the book of Matthew, from which he has been preaching for the past couple of years--and will still be in for at least another 6 months, I would guess. It is so refreshing to get fed with spiritual meat and not just sweet-tasting milk!
The music is simple but beautiful. It's all hymns, though there are 20th-century praise songs in the hymnal (I'm talking "Give Thanks" and "Bless the Lord, O My Soul," not all-about-me, Jesus-is-my-boyfriend choruses). And we sing them joyfully, not like we're half asleep. I love that we sing six or seven songs throughout the service (in my experience, many churches who use hymns sing only two or three). There's no "worship band," exactly; the singing is led by a guy who has a fantastic voice and another guy playing the piano. But the cool part is that the piano guy has several very musically-talented kids who accompany him, most often with violin and some sort of Celtic-sounding flute. It's beautiful. (Understand I'm not against ALL modern worship songs...there are some fantastic ones...but after being immersed in the selfishness and shallowness of most modern worship music for the last few years I find this a refreshing and wonderful change.)
They also have a great ensemble, about a dozen people, which sings almost every Sunday. When we heard they were looking for more members, Steve and I decided to join, and that has been a lot of fun. Currently we're preparing for a big Christmas concert involving the little kids in a few weeks.
And speaking of little kids...this church has a clear growth strategy: "Be fruitful and multiply." :)Seriously. Steve and I feel like the oddballs because we are one of maybe two couples who don't have kids. This morning we had a baby dedication and there were EIGHT babies up front. That may not sound spectacular to those of you who go to big churches...but keep in mind this is not a big church--it might range from 100-200 people on a given Sunday (the congregation is spread out over a wide geographical area so attendance is sporadic at times). It's fun to have so many kids running around, though, and it makes the church feel even more alive.
Calvary Bible Church isn't a perfect church, by any means. Though I'd love to find one, I realize that if I keep searching until I do, I'll never settle anywhere. And if I did find one, it would cease to be perfect once I joined. So although we may not agree with everything Pastor Dave says, and although we may see areas of weakness or things we would change, we really like it here. We're surrounded by a community of believers who truly love the Lord. It feels great to look forward to Sundays again.
Friday, November 18, 2005
A Plea for Rearranged Priorities
We are much more interested in yelping about the sin in the world than we are about purging the sin that is in our own hearts. The history of the church in the 19th and 20th centuries should teach us about this. The more that the church is concerned with cleansing teh ills of the world, the more the church becomes like the world. This happens because we begin to define living the Christian life within very narrow moral boundaries and we try to push these boundaries on people who are not Christians without first introducing them to the Gospel. Then we cry about persecution when we are called right wing nut jobs. Has it ever occurred to anyone that people who are not Christians love sin because they are sinners? We have gotten the cart before the horse.
(HT: Eric Schumacher)
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Do You Care?
Martyrs aren't a thing of the past. And religious persecution isn't just someone else's problem. It is, by command of our Father, our problem:
Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering (Hebrews 13:3).
I'm writing today because I just finished one of my all-time favorite books. I read it a few years ago but somehow, foolishly, forgot how compelling it is. Randy Alcorn's novel Safely Home may be fiction, but it's the product of years of research on the persecuted church in China. It's a labor of love, and it's absolutely gripping. You can get it on Amazon.com for less than $10. Put it on your Christmas list. Read it. And if you aren't moved; if you don't care about the persecuted church after you finish the last chapter, check your pulse. I pray God won't let me forget ever again.
You might find yourself not only moved to care about and pray for your brothers and sisters in chains worldwide--you might find yourself challenged to grow in your own faith. Alcorn has a way of doing that, even through fiction. He provides the eternal perspective most of us lack.
When you hear of Christians being persecuted around the world, don't just stop to say, "Thanks, Lord, that we can meet freely and worship You without punishment" and go on with your comfortable American life. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering (Hebrews 13:3).
To find out what you can do--and there are things you can do--check out The Voice of the Martyrs. Inform yourself. Pray. Give. Encourage. But don't just turn a blind eye to their suffering. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).
Miss Opal's Sweetheart
Miss Opal: "Why are we going this way?"
Judy: "So you can get some exercise!"
Miss Opal: "Well."
That probably makes it sound like she was annoyed--but she wasn't at all. She just thought it was funny to walk in the opposite direction of the dining room. She is the most pleasant lady, full of smiles and greets everyone she meets with a bright "Hello, hello, hello!" Anyway, her back got tired after we walked up the other hallway, so we stopped back at her room to rest--where she showed me pictures of her family. But she couldn't remember who was pictured in the photo above her bed. So when Judy came back, the exchange went something like this:
Judy: "Are you having trouble remembering who that is? That's you and Mr. Pomeroy. He lives here, remember? You know, he's sweet on you." (winks at me)
Miss Opal: (a little embarrassed) "Lord, have mercy."
From this exchange it almost seemed like Miss Opal didn't know what Judy was talking about. But I was mistaken. We head down to the dining room, and the best part was this exchange once we rounded the corner and saw Mr. Pomeroy sitting in an armchair:
Miss Opal: (to me) "Bless his heart, he's sitting there waiting for me."
Mr. Pomeroy: "Hi, sweetheart!"
Miss Opal: "Hello, darling. I'll be right over in a bit. I love you!"
Now how can that not just bring a smile to your face? Romance is alive and well at the nursing home...
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Biblical Counseling for Spiritual Growth
The series has been so profitable to me (and I haven't finished it yet) that I hope to start posting soon some of my thoughts and insights based on what I'm learning. Meanwhile, regardless of whether you work through all the posts, you need to check this out. (If you want the tunes for the hymns, you can do a quick search and hear them at CyberHymnal.org.) Here's the explanation from Girl Talk:
This is a fantastic new way to experience these hymns. I hope you'll check it out for yourself!Whichever of the common deviancies you’re choosing, first read and ponder these hymns (and, if you’re so moved, sing with heart and voice!). Notice how we’ve parsed the hymns,
--The pressures of life are described in italics, those things (‘good reasons’) that provoke us to anxiety, anger, escapism. These are the circumstances within which our battle plays out.
--The Lord’s promises and self-disclosures come in bold, these invitations (‘better
reasons’) to live differently. These are ways the Redeemer enters human life. Notice how these things that God says compete with the voices and pressures that woo and provoke us towards anger/grumbling, fear/anxiety, escapism/addiction.--Our responses of faith are underlined. This is the heart of change.
Read all the italics. Then read all the bolds. Then read all the underlinings. Then worship.
Monday, November 14, 2005
A Freudian Slip: Caught on Videotape
(HT: Nashville is Talking)
When I sit down to meet with God, I'm not typically astonished at the difference between what I deserve and what I'm receiving. I'm more often wondering why I don't get MORE blessing, see MORE fruitfulness, and gain MORE credit for the things I do.
The whole post is well worth your time. Read it here.
My (Brother's) Old Kentucky Home
And here he is inside the truck, showing us where they sit and put on their air packs on the way to a fire. (He even let us get up in the truck :)
After that we went out to eat at a local joint and then back to his (way nice for a college student) apartment for a bit before heading home. I didn't get any pictures of Josh and Jess--didn't want to push the doting/embarrassing big sister card and have my camera out any more than necessary--but for the curious, here's a shot of them from his birthday a couple of months ago. She made him a cake: everyone say "awwwwwwww..."
Anyway, it was a fun time. Short visit, but good to see him.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
My Latest Domestic Achievement
And they were a success! We enjoyed the leftovers this afternoon. Yum!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
An Unexpected Blessing
Several weeks ago, as I drove by the nursing home, it occurred to me that volunteering there might be a good way to make use of these hours in my day. I spend most of my time by myself in the apartment, with little reason or natural opportunity (aside from church and choir practice) to get out and interact with people besides Steve. And though I may be going deeper in my relationship with God, I have many times felt frustrated and convicted by the fact that that intimacy isn't often finding an outlet in service to others.
So I memorized the phone number for the nursing home as I drove by. I remember that a couple of years ago, my nursing-home-resident grandmother (who, when I lived just 50 minutes away from her at IWU, I'm ashamed to say I visited about as many times as I can count on one hand) received regular visits from a college student in the town where she lives. Grandma always talked about Hannah's visits--I know they meant a lot to her. Hannah even wrote a biographical essay about my grandma for her class project.
My grandma is too far away for me to visit now, but I figured there were probably residents at the nursing home here who don't get visitors very often and would love someone to talk to. And I realized that although it wasn't a primary way I would choose to serve or feel gifted to serve, it wouldn't take much for me to sacrifice a little time to go listen to a lonely elderly person. It was a simple opportunity to demonstrate religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless (James 1:27), and it was the least I could do.
In my self-absorption, and (okay, let's call a spade a spade) disobedience, I put off calling for more than a month. It wasn't until last week that I finally called that number (which I still remembered), and went to meet with the social services director. She was incredibly sweet and very enthusiastic about having a volunteer to help her out. I felt very far from my comfort zone, but I was pretty convinced it was something I needed to do, so I promised to come back the following Wednesday. This morning I was feeling nervous and ill-equipped, but asked God for courage and His heart of compassion, and drove across town.
My fears were baseless, of course. I didn't just spend, I enjoyed an hour there. I read parts of the weekly county newspaper to some ladies who can't see well enough to read it themselves but always love to hear the news (and the obituaries--which seems depressing to me--but at least they didn't know anyone in this week's list). And I had a great time. Miss Opal had a comment or a story for just about everything I read or said. It took so little effort for me to read headlines and summarize stories, and to agree with her comments or listen to her memories. She was a sweet lady, and I didn't even have to hesitate in telling her that I'd be back next week.
I'm smiling just remembering how I felt sitting in her room. It's funny--or ridiculous, or perhaps just sad--how we get ourselves all worked up (or maybe I'm the only one who does this) over something God calls us to do, even putting it off as long as possible, only to find that it's not anything close to the dreadful task we built up in our minds. It's funny how when you set out to bless others, God ends up blessing you.
Divine Love Put Me Here
“Believer…you should be satisfied with your earthly portion; for you may rest assured that it is the fittest for you. Unerring wisdom ordained your lot, and selected for you the safest and best condition…Remember this, had any other condition been better for you than the one in which you are, divine love would have put you there. You are placed by God in the most suitable circumstances…Be content with such things as you have, since the Lord has ordered all things for your good. Take up your own daily cross; it is the burden best suited for your shoulder, and will prove most effective to make you perfect in every good word and work to the glory of God.Nicole added:
Trials must and will befall—
But with humble faith to see
Love inscribed upon them all;
This is happiness to me.”
So whether your portion be big or small, difficult or pleasant, whether your daily cross be light (a fussy toddler like I have) or heavy (widowhood like the woman who wrote to us recently), remember that Divine Love has put you there, and so there is the best place to be.A helpful reminder. After all, I guess God knows better than I do what is the best way to conform me into the image of His Son...and if there were circumstances that would allow Him to do so more effectively, I'd be in them.
Monday, November 07, 2005
A Question for My Readers
Now is the time for all you lurkers to comment (you don't have to have a Blogger account to comment!) and weigh in with your $.02 on this. What do you think?
Repetition Helps Us Remember
This is the question that Steve and I would like to ask Moses, specifically in his writing of the book of Numbers. Exhibit A:
"On the day the tabernacle, the Tent of the Testimony, was set up, the cloud covered it. From evening till morning the cloud above the tabernacle looked like fire. That is how it continued to be; the cloud covered it, and at night it looked like fire. Whenever the cloud lifted from above the Tent, the Israelites set out; wherever the cloud settled, the Israelites encamped. At the LORD's command the Israelites set out, and at his command they encamped. As long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they remained in camp. When the cloud remained over the tabernacle a long time, the Israelites obeyed the LORD's order and did not set out. Sometimes the cloud was over the tabernacle only a few days; at the LORD's command they would encamp, and then at his command they would set out. Sometimes the cloud stayed only from evening till morning, and when it lifted in the morning, they set out. Whether by day or by night, whenever the cloud lifted, they set out. Whether the cloud stayed over the tabernacle for two days or a month or a year, the Israelites would remain in camp and not set out; but when it lifted, they would set out. At the LORD's command they encamped, and at the LORD's command they set out. They obeyed the LORD's order, in accordance with his command through Moses" (Numbers 9:15-23).
So...let me make sure I am clear on this: When the cloud/fire was over the tabernacle, they stayed. And when it left, they followed. But, I am still a little confused: What if the cloud only stayed for a day--did they leave when it left? What if it was there for a year--did they stay that whole time?
Steve has an audio Bible which he often listens to during his work commute, and a few weeks ago, when he was in the book of Numbers, he was feeling a little exasperated by Moses' description in this passage. It seemed to him (and to me) that Moses could have used a little economy of words. He could have eliminated at least five verses from this section and still gotten his point across very clearly. It makes us wonder, was he getting paid by the word? The subject came up again on Saturday, and as I tried to read the passage out loud, Steve and I laughed so hard that tears were streaming down our faces. (Maybe you had to be there, I don't know.)
I believe all Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16), so I am sure God hads a purpose in inspiring Moses to write this repetitive passage from Numbers, even if I don't understand what it was. Even if I don't quite get it. Even if I'm not clear on the whys. Even if...okay, sorry :)
I hope He is laughing with us and doesn't think we're irreverent for seeing the humor in His Word. Maybe sometimes He laughs, too, at how incredibly stupid we humans are, that He has to repeat Himself so many times to get His point through our thick heads? Or maybe He just feels sad and frustrated?
Friday, November 04, 2005
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
My biggest gripe, though, is that no one recycles down here. I am by no means a tree-hugger. To be honest, I don't give the environment a whole lot of thought, which is unfortunate because I do believe that as Christians we should care about and be good stewards of the earth. Anyway, I'm definitely anti-littering. And I was raised to recycle. I remember learning that little slogan as early as fourth grade: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
My family has recycled for as long as I can remember, and my hometown started curbside recycling while I was still young. Now that my parents live out in the country, they have to be proactive about it, but my dad still has bins in the garage for glass, plastic, tin and aluminum. It's ingrained in my head never to throw away any plastic bottle with a 1 or a 2 symbol, any glass jar or any metal can. I recycle them without thinking about it.
So what is with these people in the South who do not recycle? I cannot stand to throw these things away because I have been trained to save them and recycle. I feel so wasteful tossing them in the garbage. I did find a (rundown and slightly unnerving) place a couple of miles down the road that takes aluminum and steel cans, but I have tried and failed to find any recycling center for glass or plastic. Come on, Tennessee, save the planet!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Driving up to Louisville made for a long day for Steve and me--he had gone in to work early so he could leave early, and we didn't get home until 10:45 pm--which is way past our old-fart bedtime! But worth it. The concert was at Southeast Christian Church. Now I have been in a lot of huge churches through my years of traveling with the chorale...but I am pretty sure this one takes the cake. Steve estimated that the sanctuary was about the size of the Shoemaker Center (where the UC basketball team plays). I'm not kidding. You could have put most churches inside their lobby. There were several sets of escalators to get up to the upper-level seating. They have over 17,000 attendance every weekend. They put out a 30-page newspaper every week. Wow. I wish I would have taken some pictures. But I didn't feel the need to make myself look like a gawking country bumpkin from the sticks anymore than necessary :) Seriously, though--how does a church ever get that huge??
Anyway, the opening act was Aaron Shust, who was actually really good. He's a new artist who leads worship for a huge church in Atlanta--his first CD just came out. His set was the perfect length--he only played three songs, which was short enough to leave me wanting more rather than checking my watch wondering when it would be time for the main event.
Nichole's set, on the other hand...was not long enough. I mean, she played for an hour. But really, I would have gladly sat through all four albums (though I suppose her voice...and my butt...would have been awfully tired by that time...not to mention Steve would have never made it through all that).
I love her music so much and it was great to hear less "produced" versions of the songs, more focus on her playing the piano. Seriously, if I were to be stranded on a deserted island and could only take ten CDs with me...four of them would be hers. I really appreciate her honesty about the journey--real, but still reverent. Plus she's just a talented songwriter/musician and I love her voice.
As if all that weren't enough...my fun evening was capped off by a visit to Bravo! My favorite Italian restaurant (no offense, Olive Garden...you're almost tied). We had already eaten dinner but since I hadn't had Bravo in months, we stopped by after the concert for some artichoke and spinach formaggio dip on Parmesan flatbread...are you drooling yet?...Yum yum yum. A fabulous date with my wonderful husband, who let me drag him along even though he's not a huge Nichole fan like I am. Thank you, Steve :)
On a more serious note, I'll close with a story Nichole told last night before singing "Hold On" from her newest album, Brave (the song is one of my favorites on the album). The liner notes mention that the song is "For Meredith, and all the things I wish I'd said." She explained that Meredith was the only other female on a tour Nichole did a couple of years ago (she didn't say but it had to be the SCC tour Steve and I saw in October 2002). So, Meredith was determined that she and Nichole would become "the best, best, bestest of friends!" Only, she was one of those people who just drive you crazy. You know what I'm talking about. She was sickeningly bubbly all the time...to quote Nichole (this made me laugh), "You couldn't get through a simple conversation like 'So, how's your salad?' without four or five 'Hallelujah!'s in there."
Nichole eventually discovered that Meredith's happy-all-the-time routine was a facade, and she became really clingy and needy--driving Nichole even further away from wanting a close friendship with her. She confessed that she was relieved when the tour was over so she didn't have to deal with Meredith anymore. A couple of years later, a friend who'd been on that tour asked if Nichole had heard what happened to Meredith. Nichole (this is what I love about her, that she's willing to be vulnerable and real) said she mentally rolled her eyes and snottily said, "What now?"
Taken aback, the friend told Nichole that Meredith had recently taken her life. Nichole went on to share how she felt overcome with guilt and shame--not just a missed opportunity, but an opportunity you actually walk away from. Wow. And she challenged us all to stop and picture the Merediths in our own lives. We all have them--people who drive us crazy. But we have no idea what they really might be dealing with, or how thin that thread might be stretched, how close it might be to snapping. How are we treating them? Food for thought...
Nichole also talked directly to "those of you who are the "Merediths"--anyone who's dealing with deep pain or hurting in dark places where squeaky-clean Christians aren't willing to go. She said the song "Hold On" is for you--it speaks of the love of Jesus that will find you no matter where you've been:
It will find you at the bottom of a bottle
It will find you at the needle’s end
It will find you when you beg and steal and borrow
It will follow you into a stranger’s bed
It will find you when they serve you with the papers
It will find you when the locks have changed again
It will find you when you’ve called in all your favors
It will meet you at the bridge’s highest ledge
So baby don’t look down, it’s a long way
The sun will come around to a new day
So hold on
Love will find you
Hold on
He’s right behind you now
Just turn around
And love will find you
It will find you when the doctor’s head is shaking
It will find you in a boardroom, mostly dead
It will crawl into the foxhole where you’re praying
It will curl up in your halfway empty bed
So baby don’t believe that it’s over
Maybe you can’t see ‘round the corner…
To hang between two thieves in the darkness
Love must believe you are worth it
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
A New Favorite Old Song
The funny thing is, until a month or so ago, I had never heard her very first album, Wide Eyed. I had heard one or two of the songs from it, but had sort of forgotten it existed. So I finally bought it, and I have had it on repeat ever since. This is my new favorite old song...I wish you could hear the music, it makes the lyrics even more moving!
Rolling river GodLove it!
Little stones are smooth
Only once the water passes through
So I am a stone
Rough and grainy still
Trying to reconcile this river's chill
But when I close my eyes
And feel You rushing by
I know that time brings change
And change takes time
And when the sunset comes
My prayer would be this one
That You might pick me up and notice that I am
Just a little smoother in Your hand
Somtimes raging wild
Sometimes swollen high
Never have I known this river dry
The deepest part of You
Is where I want to stay
And feel the sharpest edges wash away
But when I close my eyes
And feel You rushing by
I know that time brings change
And change takes time
And when the sunset comes
My prayer would be this one
That You might pick me up and notice that I am
Just a little smoother in Your hand
--Nichole Nordeman, "River God"
And tonight I get to go see her in concert in Louisville!! Whoohoo!!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Honesty and Happy Endings
Another IWU alum's blog I stumbled upon a few months ago is Christin Taylor's Words on the Side. Christin was a couple of years ahead of me at IWU, so I don't know her (though I think I saw her in a play once). But she's a talented writer and I enjoy reading her posts. My favorite is the one she wrote last week about a recent hiking trip.
I had a somewhat similar experience on a hiking trip a couple of summers ago, which I wrote about in a Kingdom Building Ministries devotional last year. But when I read Christin's post, it resonated with me because she took the advice that Brad O'Donnell once shared with Nichole Nordeman (I quoted this a few months ago but it bears repeating):
"Christians are somehow prone to talking more about where they’ve been instead of where they are. Very few people want to speak up while they are in process… They’d rather wait until their junk is resolved, so they can give a 'testimony' about the happy ending. As it relates to your writing, please don’t feel the need to tie it up with a bow at the end."
I tied my experience up with a nice little bow and tried to make it all spiritual. Christin was honest, and in being transparent, she truly succeeded in helping me understand grace. Here's an excerpt:
I wish I could tell you how hiking Mt. Baldy, that stoney, brilliant mountain, brought out an inner strength. But the truth is it broke me. It made me ugly, and I resented it for that. ...All week I've been haunted by that 13 year-old girl [inside me] and the knowledge that she hides behind a very thin veil. I've been working through this realization slowly and thoughtfully, because I don't want to be mistaken about who I am or what my nature is truly. ...I want to see her clearly, because seeing her does a strange thing: it makes me grateful. It makes the grace that works inside me everyday sharp and close, like the razor edge of a mountain's crest.
I hope you'll check it out. The writing is elegant and beautiful, and the ideas are profound.
Reducible Complexity
But the fact remains, he's got some great things to say and he often makes me think. Adam is an IWU student whom I have never met, but I discovered his blog through PK's blog a while ago and have been coming back ever since. His latest post voices some questions I should be asking myself. Here's an excerpt (emphasis mine):
"WHAT?" I ask myself. What has this damned machine [his computer] done to my life? What have I done with it? Am I even in control? Is there more good, or more evil? Is endless complexity sustainable in the long run? Do I really need to know this much information? What is at the core of this race? What am I trying to satisfy?
A blog-strike? An e-mail fast? A Google restraint? Not yet, I have not the courage or the will. ...Until then... I slooooowly peel back the layers, the on-line time, the complexities...seeking to give and not accumulate, to live more off-line than online, to listen more to real people with real tears and smiles and less to URLs and HTTPs and screennames.
I am not there, but I am walking.
Thanks, Adam. Though the real question is: Philosophical agreement aside, what will I do with this? I'm not walking...or even crawling yet...merely standing still and seeing the better vantage point...