Last month, it was time for his annual review, to look at our goals for him and see how he was doing. His teacher and I decided that it would be good to get a new evaluation done, so a few weeks ago, a developmental specialist came and took him through the same testing that we did a year ago.
We were delighted to hear that he has made so much progress, he is no longer eligible for early intervention services! Our little man has grown SO much in the last year. He still has a delay in communication, but it's not enough to qualify for ongoing help. So, it was with gratitude and some sadness that we recently said goodbye to Miss Holly, Elijah's teacher, who has become a sweet friend over the past twelve months. Elijah enjoyed her visits so much that I had to be sure not to mention she was coming until I saw her car in the driveway!
...more and more I'm inclined to think our little guy is simply a late bloomer, but the questions remain the same: Is my hope in my son being "normal" (or even "exceptionally bright"), or is my hope in God? Is Christ my greatest treasure? Do I believe that He is sovereign, good, and loving, regardless of whatever challenges my son may or may not face? Will I let my fearful heart run away with "what-ifs," or will I choose to put my trust in the Lord?I'm reminded of a conversation Steve and I had over a year ago, in which he drew a comparison between two men we know: one brilliant, but obnoxiously so; the other simple, yet loving and wise. Steve remarked that while of course he’d love to have a bright, intelligent child, comparing these two men showed him that intelligence isn’t the best or most important thing to hope for. Wouldn’t we rather have a wise son, one who is devoted to God and trusts Him, than a brilliant son, when brilliance is so often a stumbling block (both in relationships with other people and in submission to God)?
Rather than hoping that Elijah would be smart or being disappointed if he’s not, rather than worrying about all his milestones and whether he’s developmentally behind other children, our job is to nurture and enjoy him for who he is—not who we might foolishly think we want him to be.