4993. the book of Galatians
4994. a sunny but cool day to go to the zoo
4995. His patience with me in spite of my harsh impatience with my boys
4996. easy access to a nice greenway
4997. Elijah riding his bike with pedals!
4998. Jude picking up his feet and balancing!
4999. Steve's patience with Elijah's extreme perfectionism...oh is he ever his mother's son :/
5000. Jude somehow just barely stopping himself before crashing down into a culvert
5001. Steve home for lunch, a rare treat
5002. Elijah letting me wear the giant ring he got out of the preschool treasure chest
5003. shiny mirrors and sinks
5004. a friend driving a long way to hang out with me
5005. her example of engaging with her kids and with strangers at the park
5006. coconut chicken nuggets
5007. flyswatters
5008. grace to workout even when I'm tired and don't feel like it
5009. diapers and sheets hanging on the line
5010. first mosquito bites not until mid-May, compared with late March last spring
5011. hair long enough to put in a ponytail
5012. Jesus, who is Truth
5013. sore muscles
5014. opportunities to encourage others
5015. boys eating banana nut porridge and pretending to be bears
5016. blackberry vinaigrette dressing I invented
5017. Elijah's unsolicited compliments, especially at odd times (like when I've just gotten out of the shower and he's all, "I like your hair, Mom.")
5018. garbage pickup--the highlight of our Friday mornings :)
5019. a place to pick strawberries less than 10 minutes from my house
5020. six quarts of *unsprayed* strawberries!! for only $12!
5021. Steve and the boys working out with me
5022. Steve's job and his hard work to provide well for us
5023. Elijah's consistently cheerful, thankful heart at mealtimes (a huge change from what once was)
5024. snuggles in the rocking chair with both boys first thing on a Saturday morning
5025. fresh lettuce
5026. time to be crafty with some friends
5027. a leak in the upstairs bathroom discovered and fixed
5028. my grandma's afghan--chevron 40 years before chevron was cool, in 1970s rust, mustard, coral and avocado :)
5029. five quarts of homemade chicken stock
5030. the way our pastor preaches with humility + conviction
5031. clothes fitting again
5032. awareness that my body size is 100% grace
5033. grace to talk to people about things I've put off too long
5034. seeking me "when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God"
5035. loving me when I was unlovable and nothing in me compelled Him
5036. continuing to love me even when I insist on going my own way
5037. setting me free