Thanking God this week for...
4365. Elijah practicing writing his letters for the sheer enjoyment of it
4366. soft fleece sweatshirts
4367. grace to remain calm
4368. grace when I don't remain calm
4369. the relieved, grateful grin on Jude's face when you successfully guess or translate what he's trying to say
4370. Elijah curled up in the rocking chair with an afghan and a Thomas the Train anthology, gently snoring
4371. friends appreciating my nerdy propensity to over-research everything
4372. a picnic at the park with a dear friend who moved away
4373. her adorable baby belly
4374. Elijah's excitement to wear "PJ feet" again
4375. missing bathrobe, found
4376. a long, tight, sad hug from Steve when he came home on the day I found out that a young husband and father from our hometown was killed in a car accident
4377. the way small towns, for all their faults, rally around their own in times of crisis
4378. the reminder not to take anyone or anything for granted, that tomorrow is not guaranteed
4379. a LONG-overdue phone conversation with the other dear, dear woman who mentored me when I was in college (see what I mean about how God provided so ridiculously abundantly back then?!)
4380. the way He put Lyn in my life back in 2001
4381. her words of wisdom and affection; her trust and her prayers
4382. opportunities to serve friends
4383. cash for old, unwanted gold jewelry
4384. gorgeous fall colors
4385. Elijah reciting Psalm 23
4386. unsolicited snuggles from both boys
4387. fresh, warm strawberry rhubarb jam
4388. Jude licking jam off his face
4389. fifteen jars sealed and preserved for the year
4390. His Holy Spirit sealing and preserving me for eternity
4391. the sweetness of His mercy, even when I do not taste and see it

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