6391. a walk home from school in the pouring rain
6392. easy + open communication with Elijah's teacher
6393. a bushel of peaches...gone before any of them made it to the freezer
6394. boys cheerfully emptying the dishwasher
6395. Steve beautifully preaching the gospel to my unbelieving heart
6396. Jude "working" right alongside Daddy (and by "right alongside" I mean "literally in Daddy's personal space")
6397. confronting me with the ugliness in my heart
6398. finding out about my alma mater's alumni chorale for homecoming in time to get one of the spots
6399. Steve's example of perseverance and learning through failure
6400. friends buying smart cards for Elijah's school fundraiser
6401. Aldi bacon cooked in a Pampered Chef stone bar pan (PERFECTION.)
6402. stories of slavery courageously told
6403. the people who fought for its abolition
6404. people who work to free modern-day slaves
6405. new book won on a blog giveaway
6406. an unexpected phone call from a dear friend
6407. the low angle of the rising sun on our morning walk to school
6408. peacemakers
6409. Skype
6410. a long-overdue phone date with my college roommate
6411. boys telling me I look pretty
6412. Jude begging to watch This Old House (seriously. what 3yo gets excited about that show?! love it.)
6413. a friend loving me enough to call me out on being harsh with my boys
6414. extended study time in the Word
6415. husband enabling me to get away and work
6416. husband engaging with his boys--bike rides, obstacle courses, wrestling, spaghetti-and-marshmallow towers
6417. teachable moments with the boys
6418. a stark, convicting reminder of how hurtful yelling is
6419. Pioneer Woman's Italian drip beef (we serve it open-faced on ciabatta with provolone...be sure and broil it the last minute or two to brown the cheese :)
6420. my boys' health and life, and reminders of how fragile both are
6421. Labor Day dinner with friends
6422. toasted marshmallows and s'mores
6423. carpet installed upstairs!
6424. KIND bars
6425. Steve's porkchop grilling. also perfection.
6426. company picnic at Beech Bend Park
6427. the apostle Peter
6428. God's patient mercy with him and with me
6429. coffee with a friend
6430. another unexpected phone call from another dear friend and plans on the calendar to catch up in person next week!

1 comment:
Mmm, really want to try that beef drip sandwich. It's pinned from when you've shared it before. I just rarely buy beef! Need to try to remember that recipe when it's on sale!
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