These are the wonderful people I work with at Project Respect...where I am officially done in two days. My last staff meeting was Monday, so we took this staff picture. I have been privileged to work with some amazing men and women of God this year! The highlight of a very difficult and trying job has been getting to know these people and building new relationships. They have truly blessed my life...I can't believe I am saying goodbye to them!

As I sat reflecting at our staff meeting, I realized how thankful I am that I finished the year. There were several times where I came very close to quitting--not just because I didn't like the job, but because there was so much else going on in my life that I truly felt I couldn't handle it. Part of me still thinks I would have been justified in throwing in the towel. It was truly only the grace of God that gave me the strength and ability to persevere. But, now that my nine months are over (it has really gone fast), I am so glad I stuck it out. It is a much better feeling to come to the end and know I completed the work God gave me to do...rather than to feel like a failure and a quitter.
My boss gave a devotional thought yesterday about how character is built in the tough times of trial, not in times of ease. I know she's right, and I'm sure my character was built this year. I am still not exactly sure what lessons I was supposed to be learning through all this. Generally that becomes clearer with time. But I know God led me into this job for a reason. And, maybe it wasn't even about me...maybe I'll never know this side of heaven why I was here. But I'm glad I'm finishing this chapter of my life strong...glad to be moving on to something new, even if it's scary and I don't know what it will be like...and I will certainly miss these people who have been a part of my life this year.
1 comment:
WOW! It is amazing how much one can learn by reading someone's blog entries! :-) You are one crazy woman! :-) But I am glad that I was blessed enough to get the chance to know you! And even though this chapter has ended for you at PR and a new chapter has begun with your new, wonderful, totally cute husband (haha had to put that in there) .. always know that "we'll keep you close as always .. it won't even seem you've gone. 'cause our hearts in big and small ways, will keep the love that keeps us strong. Friends are friends forever, IF THE LORD'S THE LORD OF THEM. And a friend will not say never, 'cause the welcome will not end. And though it's hard to let you go, In the Father's hands we know, that a lifetime's not to long to live as friends." SO no matter the distance, you will always be a part of Project Respect (wow that's scary) because we have an awesome God that keeps friends together no matter what! :-) So happy wishes, and if no one else here at PR misses you ...... well the 'little green men' and I will! :-)
Love ya!
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