It had been 364 days since he proposed to me in Rocky Mountain National Park. Twenty-eight months we'd been together. Sixteen years we'd known each other. One year ago today we stood hand in hand and promised that from now on, we'd no longer be two, but one.
A year ago today I married a beautiful man. I don't just mean externally beautiful (but he IS extremely hot!)--I mean he has a beautiful heart. Steve is both strong and gentle, wise and teachable. He is quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. He doesn't take the easy shortcuts, but instead works hard to do things right the first time--even if it takes three times as long. He is creative, inventive, talented and resourceful. He is brilliant and generous. He doesn't complain; he isn't critical. He is thoughtful and playful and affectionate. He protects and cares for me and makes me feel safe. He is my best friend.
We are so much alike in some ways--like sense of humor (I don't have to pretend to laugh at his jokes; I truly think he's hilarious) and taste in furniture style (very helpful as we furnish our new house). In other ways, God has designed us to complement each other perfectly. He fills in where I'm weak, and I'm so thankful.
A year ago today, I made some pretty lofty promises to this wonderful man. I promised to submit to him--but sometimes I'd rather do things my way. I promised to respect him--but I can remember times I've shown him anything but respect. I promised to serve him--but I'd prefer to have him serve me. I promised to cherish him--but occasionally I've taken him for granted. I promised to be part of a home welded together by prayer--but I've neglected my privilege of lifting him up before the throne of God.
Thankfully, a year ago today I married a patient and forgiving man--one God is using to sand down my rough edges and make me more like His Son. It's a painful process at times; coming face to face with the ugliness in my heart is never fun. But it's a process I wouldn't trade for anything. How blessed I am that God has chosen such a rich and loving way of growing me and teaching me about Himself. And I pray that He will continue to give me the grace to love His other son in a way that brings a smile to His face. One thing I know for sure: As Bill Westafer said when he officiated our wedding, it is only through Christ that marriage becomes what God intends it to be.
Happy anniversary, Steve. I look forward to many more years of loving you.
Happy Anniversary! Doesn't time go by so quickly? Congratulations!
Happy Anniversary, Amy and Steve!!! =) God help and bless you both.
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! We share July anniversaries. My husband and I were married two years ago. Isn't marriage such a blessing?
Happy anniversary!
That was a really beautiful post.
aww I think I'll cry now! I miss you bunches Amy! I hope you enjoy many more years together .. haha who am I kidding? I KNOW you'll enjoy many more years together! :-)
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