For today, I only have a quick minute, so I'll pass along a quote and a challenge. First the challenge, by way of my dear blog-friend Zoanna: Call a friend and invite her over/out for lunch this week. Don't just add it to your to-do list; go pick up the phone and do it right now. If you don't, you won't get around to it (at least if you're anything like me). Make it a point to practice hospitality and cultivate a friendship this week! This is something that I am really wanting to work on, and the challenge from Zoanna was just the extra push I needed this week. So I figured maybe a few of you need that same kind of push. Leave a comment if you're joining in! (I've already put my money where my mouth is: I just now picked up the phone and invited someone over for lunch Thursday.)
Then, the quote. It's an inspiring bit of Scripture and encouragement I've been chewing on since Friday, from (who else?) John Piper:
"...has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?" (Numbers 23:19)
"God's promises are not in jeopardy, because God can foresee all circumstances. He knows that nothing will occur that will cause him to take back his promises. That is our soul's rest."
--John Piper, Taste and See
Have a blessed Monday!
I'm so glad you're a doer and not a hearer only! YOu'll be blessed.
You have been missed. HUGS
I have a friend coming over for lunch on Wednesday, just wanted you to know :)
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