Tuesday, April 08, 2008


"Will [this] feel like a good investment of my life when this vapor's breath of preparation for eternity is over?"

The question pierced my early-morning brain fog when I read it yesterday in John Piper's book Taste and See. What a way to express what life is: "a vapor's breath of preparation for eternity." How would my life look different if I viewed it in this way?

I am here preparing for eternity, by the things I read and do and say and pursue and enjoy--and I have a very brief window of time to make my preparations. How can I live now so as to maximize my joy eternally, to set myself up for the ultimate capacity for enjoyment of God in heaven?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was such a helpful quote. I'm going to copy it on a card and carry it with me today. thanks for posting it.