Monday, May 12, 2008


Part of me hates to do this, for fear that my already-declining traffic will fall into an unrecoverable death spiral. But the truth is, this blog is currently dying a slow, painful death anyway.

So I'm going to take some time off from Lavender Sparkles. Frankly, I have nothing worthwhile to say. And so this blog hangs over my head as one more thing I should be doing but am not, one more thing to feel guilty about. I don't need that.

If you're aching for updated pics of Elijah, you can check out my Flickr account. I'll continue to upload photos there periodically. I'm not done blogging for good, but I don't know when I'll have something to say again. Check back in a month. I may or may not be ready to pick up again on June 12, but I'll at least drop in to let you know either way.

Thanks to those of you who are still reading despite the pitiful (lack of) content lately. I appreciate your willingness to give me your valuable time.


Anonymous said...

We will miss you, but I respect the need to take a hiatus for sure. You have such valuable things to say. This must be such a busy season though. I hope that you can find a great balance with it in the future so we can hear more from you!

Anonymous said...

I'll miss your insightful posts! Have a good break :)

Anonymous said...

I will miss your blog. I hope you at least keep up with the Thankful Thursday for your own good. I do check your blog every time I'm reading blogs and am only disappointed when I don't see something new. I like your style and your sense of depth that is often missing in other places. Not that every post have to be deep, but yours draw me to a level I'm longing for. Do what you need to do, but I'd recommend you post at least weekly and say hi. Even if you wanna be shallow like the rest of us! hehehehehehe


Anonymous said...

I echo the above comments and add that there will be many of us praying for you..isn't it exciting that because of what Christ has done, even though we may never get to meet on this side of heaven, we are sisters and can pray for one another?! You have really encouraged me..You gave me words for processing my own legalistic struggle, encouraged me to read CJ mahaney's book [and soon became a cj mahaney now reading humility true greatness],made me start journalling about what i have to be thankful for+ inspired and sometimes amused by what you were grateful for,made me broody by seeing elijah's photos+long to be a wife and mother while not idolizing those good gifts+blooming where i am now planted. Those, my friend, are v specific ways that i can point to as God's work in my life through you.So i will keep checking your blog and read thro the older posts-despite the fact that i have already sat down and caught up with all your old posts in one weekend!!!! How gracious is our God for giving us good gifts when all we deserved was his wrath! I entrust you to Him and His word and not-so-secretly pray that you get back to blogging when the season is right.Beth

Anonymous said...

We will miss you. I completely understand a hiatus, though. I take by accident all of the time :) .

CRICKET said...

I have enjoyed your blog, not being a religious person at all it gave me some "food for thought". In addition we had babies around the same time. I have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog a while back but I have enjoyed it. Thankful Thursday also made me reflect what I was thankful for.

Christin said...

Whatever you find to say in the future will be well worth reading! I'll wait for it.;-)

Anonymous said...

Will miss your posts, but understand COMPLETELY! Still come by and say "hi" when you get a chance.

faith ann raider said...

Good for you, Amy. Though I'll miss being able to peek into your world. :-)
Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

I wish you and your family well, Amy. I think your blog is so refreshing, smart, sincere. I love it. Trust me, I understand why it's not a priority.

Since I've had my son (he's four months old), I've got very little to say that seems worthwhile. I try to write and then end up deleting the posts.

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard back from you since my snail mail. How ARE you doing, my freind? You're nver far from my thoughts.


Sandra Leigh said...

June 12th is almost here...I hope you are ready to come back! I love checking in on your blog!