Outside my window...
Unseasonably warm. Trees are starting to turn and I thought sweater-and-flip-flops weather (my fave) was here to stay, but it was back up in the 80s today. Not complaining. Wishing the mosquitoes would die off once and for all, though.
I am thinking...
that I miss blogging. That I should have jumped in with the "31 Days" themes this month, to give myself some discipline both in keeping up this blog and in working on a writing project I want to dig into.
I am thankful for...
a new(ish) family at our church that has become dear friends of ours. The boys and I spent the morning at their house--always a blessing, for many reasons.
From the kitchen...
overflowing fruit. We recently bought grapes and apples in bulk, but I was dismayed to realize that Concord grapes aren't really good for eating out of hand--so I may try to make a grape pie, but otherwise will end up freezing most of them (some whole, for use in smoothies, and some pureed, for use in yogurt/oatmeal for the boys). I've also got several pounds of tomatoes waiting to go in the summer's last tomato pie and various other "last time" tomato recipes.
I am wearing...
jeans and a dark pink shirt in the shade that has become a new favorite color for me to wear. And flip-flops. I delay socks as long as possible in the fall :)
I am creating...
I finally made some stamped cards last Friday night for the first time in ages. I still have hopes for the prayer/parenting writing project I mentioned in July...but I haven't gotten very far.
I am going...
to refrain from naming a lofty goal here since I'm pretty sure I almost never follow through with what I say I'm going to do in these posts :/
I am reading...
Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions (so that I can hold my own when Steve goes all Columbo on me)...God of Promise: Introducing Covenant Theology (if I can get through it--the content is important and I want to understand it but it is SO unreadable)...and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (just because I never have, believe it or not). I recently finished and really enjoyed Playful Parenting. I also still haven't finished (but am loving) Give Them Grace. I'm thinking about reading through the Anne of Green Gables series again, which I haven't done for several years.
Bible-wise, I'm mostly in 2 Chronicles, Proverbs, and Mark (using King's Cross as a sort of commentary).
I am hoping...
to catch up on my out-of-control inbox sometime soon.
I am hearing...
Jude talking on the monitor. I don't think he ever actually fell asleep. Alas.
Around the house...
clutter everywhere. I am hopelessly behind on housework and *really* need to get the office (which I have affectionately begun referring to as "The Room of Doom") under control. Yikes.
One of my favorite things...
pumpkin spice latte. Haven't gotten one yet this fall but I can't wait. And, the moment when my sweet husband walks in the door at the end of a long day.
A few plans for the rest of the week...
Steve is taking me (and the boys) out for dinner tonight, just because! Then on Saturday we're headed to a local farm/pumpkin patch/corn maze/etc. Should be a fun family outing.
A picture thought I am sharing...
to say that Jude enjoyed the chicken enchiladas and Mexican black beans I made on Saturday would be an understatement :)
I find them interesting :)
hey thanks :) it was your black bean recipe, by the way - we totally love them that way. been using it ever since New Years.
I enjoy your posts. I have never read Tom Sawyer, either, nor Huck Finn. Grape pie sounds interesting. If you make it, write a review. I'm curious.
The picture of Jude is priceless!!!
Zo, the grape pie is not my idea...I'd never even heard of such a thing until my mom made one a couple of years ago, with an abundance of grapes that she had. It sounded totally bizarre, but actually tasted really good. Not too sweet, which my non-sweet-tooth hubby really appreciated :) Here's the recipe she sent me:
I love these posts, and I always think, "Oooh, I want to do that sometime." And then I never do. *sigh* But I'm glad you do! :)
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