"Doing all things without grumbling is humanly impossible. But thankfully not with God (Mark 10:27). What it requires is getting our eyes off ourselves and onto Jesus (Hebrews 12:2) and all God promises to be for us in him. It requires seeing grace. Being different comes from seeing differently.Fighting to see grace this week by thanking God for...
"Yes it is hard. It’s a fight. God told us it would be that way (1 Timothy 6:12). But we will grow in the gracious habit of cultivating gratitude through the rigorous exercise of constant practice (Hebrews 5:14) of seeing grace. Lord, help us speak more in the accent of heaven!
"Prone to grumbling, Lord, I feel it,--Jon Bloom, "We Are Far Too Easily Displeased"
Prone to scorn the God I love;
Here’s my eye, O take and peel it
Till I see the grace above."
5905. not having to pay for Jude's terrible haircut
5906. lunch at Chick-Fil-A to console ourselves :)
5907. the reminder function on my phone
5908. Steve helping Elijah with his homework
5909. Mom DVRing things on TV I'd like to see
5910. dance lessons in the living room with Steve
5911. Jude desperately wanting to dance with me, jealous of Daddy
5912. homemade tomato soup
5913. the gospel in 1 Kings 8
5914. Elijah reading Pete the Cat to Jude
5915. Christmas gift projects finished
5916. friends here for supper
5917. sweet bedtime moments
5918. dedicated, hardworking teachers
5919. Elijah's calm obedience in the midst of his classmates' craziness
5920. Hungry, Hungry Hippos
5921. the hilarious, adorable Christmas card we got from Elijah
5922. a friend taking the time to correct my insensitive language
5923. Jude's throwing up was short-lived
5924. protection through storms (tornado warning four days before Christmas?! what?!)
5925. light of Advent candles growing brighter every night
5926. the anticipation of His coming, not as a babe in a manger but as King of Kings

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