Thanking God recently (what even happened to this blog and at least these weekly posts?!?) for...
6141. the privilege of hospitality
6142. getting to wear friends' babies
6143. morning workouts
6144. sore muscles
6145. Steve taking the boys out while I host women for dinner
6146. farmers' market season
6147. first peony blooms
6148. my neighbors' peonies, still lovely after mine are squashed and destroyed
6149. Kathryn Joyce's investigative journalism
6150. the important sexual abuse investigation work Boz Tchividjian and his team are doing
6151. the way the boys get going and can't stop giggling at each other
6152. living in an older neighborhood with huge trees
6153. a visit with a friend who refused to apologize for her messy house
6154. a haircut for Jude, not horrible this time and cheaper than I expected
6155. Jude's hilarious attempts to play along with alphabet guessing/memory games in the car
6156. porch swings
6157. tiny, wispy pigtail on the top of my niece's head
6158. time catching up with an old friend
6159. opportunity to go to Ohio and celebrate my BIL's college graduation
6160. outdoor commencement on a gorgeous day, ideal for all the kiddos
6161. free brush pickup
6162. mouthwatering strawberries we picked ourselves
6163. Elijah's pants needing to be lengthened
6164. strawberry shortcake
6165. hugs from friends' kiddos
6166. "I love you. That's all." texts
6167. the "do not disturb" function on my phone
6168. my guys putting together my new bike
6169. a family bike ride
6170. our pastor back from Africa after a trip full of answered prayers
6171. encouragement at how He is using me in spite of myself
6172. John Piper's timely, challenging words about summer and refreshment
6173. the incredible wonders He is preparing for us in eternity
6174. Jesus' invitation to rest in Him
6175. the glorious scent of honeysuckle, unexpected

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