7043. the fact that a suspension rod in our car broke down in our driveway--not while I was driving and not while Steve was going 60MPH down the road
7044. calm, rational discussions with my husband--so refreshing to dialogue with someone logical, respectful, intelligent and kind, in contrast to brutal Internet vitriol
7045. the hysterical Saved By the Bell throwback sketch with Jimmy Fallon
7046. getting to go to a local livestream of IF:Gathering with a dear friend
7047. the ladies at the host church welcoming us so warmly
7048. deep conversations, meals in restaurants, a free hotel room--luxurious day/night away!
7049. gifted women bringing truth so powerfully
7050. fresh grace to fight and hope
7051. Steve serving me by making it possible for me to get away
7052. a friend being honest about her feelings and weakness
7053. another friend's example of courage and humility in asking for help
7054. the privilege of serving her, participating in Jesus' care and provision for her
7055. the incredible reality that by serving her, I was serving Jesus
7056. a friend who called to ask for prayer/help
7057. the gift of fighting for and with my sister
7058. the Spirit's intercession for us
7059. Jesus' intercession for us
7060. a new pack of my favorite cheap ballpoint pens
7061. the #itssimplytuesday tag on Instagram
7062. early morning snuggles unexpectedly with Elijah, and his calling me "my sweet mama" in spite of how snappish I was with him at 3AM
7063. a new, helpful focus for my daily Bible reading
7064. the fact that in this season of life, I have hours to spend studying
7065. all I am learning in the Simeon Course on Biblical Exposition
7066. the way that Scripture is clear and yet fathoms deep
7067. our new women's Sunday school class studying Colossians
7068. men at church encouraging us
7069. the way Elijah still says "Valentime"
7070. his giving his principal a big hug on his way out the door, and the smile that lit up her face
7071. thoughtful texts from friends
7072. a sweet note from an old friend that totally made my day, coming at just the right time
7073. a visit from Steve's cousin and his family
7074. snowed in with them, house full of food and games, laughter and noise, love and life
7075. a three-year-old dish-washing helper :)
7076. the cousins' safety traveling on icy roads
7077. steam curling up from red teakettle
7078. snow falling against a purply pre-dawn sky
7079. no school = boys sleeping in = extended early morning quiet time
7080. boys' rosy cheeks from playing in the snow
7081. long-overdue visit with friends (mine and the boys')
7082. transparency, honesty, vulnerability, confession, forgiveness, sweet fellowship
7083. a retiring deacon at our church and his wife--their humble, faithful service
7084. the opportunity to recognize and honor them
7085. our elders' humility, wisdom, patient love for their flock
7086. friends' testimonies of answered prayers
7087. a free tool for making and customizing word clouds
7088. Christ in us, the hope of glory!
7089. a sweet conversation with the boys about the church and serving
7090. the way their faces lit up when we pointed out how *they* had been serving
7091. cookie-baking with the boys
7092. a year of Southern Living for $2
7093. a lunch date with Daddy on day 8 of no school
7094. the magnificent ending to the Wingfeather Saga
7095. "the stories are true / Jesus makes all things new!"
7096. all the research Steve did in preparation for buying a new car
7097. how well he manages our money
7098. the trusty old car I've/we've been driving for almost 15 years (and getting more for it at trade-in than we hoped)
7098. the means to buy a nice car with excellent safety ratings
7099. boys being incredible, awesome shoppers through a LONG day at the car dealership
7100. glorious sermon yesterday on Exodus 35-40 and the way the tabernacle + furnishings point to Jesus our Messiah
7101. perspective on how long it sometimes takes for His promises to be fulfilled
7102. we have a Home that cannot be shaken

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