Friday, December 15, 2006


Hello my faithful readers.

I have not been feeling very inspired lately. Still burned out from NaBloPoMo? Just plain lazy? Whatever it is, I haven't felt like blogging--just not much to say, I guess. I'm glad you're still stopping by. Consider this post an open comment thread to let me know what types of posts of mine you most enjoy reading, or what sorts of topics you might be interested in hearing my thoughts on, or anything else you feel like saying today.

*let the chirping of crickets commence*


Anonymous said...

We'd like to see more posts about Nashville--we love your knack for seeing something everyday and describing it in a new light. Also, we enjoy when you talk about writing, editing, stuff like that. Of course the whole blog is great--one of our favorites.

Kelly said...

I'd like to see more pictures of your house!!!! :)

PS. Thanks for the Anniversary card!

The Chinlund Family said...

I love pictures!!! I'd also love to hear more about your dog :)