Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Competency and Motherhood

Thanks to a generous surprise gift from a friend, I'm reading through Anne Lamott's book Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son's First Year. I read it years and years ago but can appreciate it a whole lot more these days. This quote I read this morning sums up exactly how I feel:
"All these people keep waxing sentimental about how fabulously well I am doing as a mother, how competent I am, but I feel inside like when you're first learning to put nail polish on your right hand with your left. You can do it, but it doesn't look all that great around the cuticles."


kristin said...

That is a great quote! I'm definitely writing that one down.

Danielle said...

I've wanted to read this book. I've enjoyed "Bird by Bird" and "Traveling Mercies." They don't have it at my library, though. Is it worth buying?

Amy said...

Danielle--if you like Anne Lamott's other stuff, then yeah, I'd say it's worth it--especially since it's in paperback now and you can get it from Amazon for less than four dollars. I enjoyed it even when I wasn't a mother. I've laughed out loud several times, and there are plenty of more thoughtful/profound things, too.

Kelly said...

Thankfully, we can always slap some nailpolish remover on a Q-tip and clean those cuticles right up.

Believe those voices waxing sentimental...more often than not, they DO know what they are talking about.

Anonymous said...

That is a great quote. I feel that way now a lot of the time now that I have two kids. Sometimes things are crazy, but everything that needs to gets done usually gets done. And if it doesn't get done, it probably wasn't that important in the first place. The most important thing is to take care of your child(ren) and husband. You can always clean later or order take out. :)

Anonymous said...

My oldest are 10 and I still feel like my "nail polish" is messy!

Aaron and Janet said...

My mom would give anything for a little grandbaby. But we just aren't ready!! Have you heard the saying that goes "If you can keep a plant alive, get a dog. If you can keep a dog alive, have a baby."
Well, I've never been able to keep a plant alive, therefore, I'm a little apprehensive. I told someone that the other day and the response was, "Yeah but have you ever had a plant that you would give your life for?"

I miss you Amers. I hope we can connect again sometime soon!!

Amanda said...

yay for anne lamott! I've used her a little in my classes this semester and I'm so sad that my freshmen don't get her at all :(