Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thankful Thursday, Take 53

Thanking God this week for...
  • the fact that my parents are on their way here as I type!
  • card-stamping time with two friends this afternoon, and a houseful of their sweet, fun kids
  • breast pumps
  • new recipes that are a hit
  • kisses
  • the freedom to turn the heat on whenever I want to--a friend of mine is in China and they cannot use heat until the government turns it on, usually not until November 1! She was so excited today because they turned it on five days early...she's been freezing for a while now...boggles my mind. [/tangent]
  • fleece
  • emails from friends I haven't been in touch with in ages
  • Elijah's baby-soft skin
  • kids' Bibles that minister to me
  • knowing that my acceptance as God's child is not dependent on my performance
  • the hope of heaven and eternity with Jesus


Anonymous said...

Hey, if you have any new recipes to share, please do! I just finished meal planning for next week and feel so "blah" about it. I feel like and I can't find anything new/easy/good I want to make.

HRLMercygirl said...

um... I feel like I've fallen so far behind - I do NOT keep track of blogger so well... because I haven't said it yet, CONGRATULATIONS... ELIJAH IS BEAUTIFUL!!!! I have loved reading your updates for the past several months... you are going to be such an amazing mommy!!
What's your address, honey??