Saturday, April 19, 2008

Writer's Block

I'm in a bit of a funk these days, and have a touch of writer's block. Lots of things are weighing heavily on my mind and heart, but I'm lacking the words to articulate them--or the motivation to try. So for now, I'll leave you with a new photo of my little guy.


Kelly said...

Oh man....How adorable is that!?!

I love you, Amy. I'll whisper a prayer for your mind and heart tonight.

Anonymous said...

He's so precious; I can't believe how much hair he has!

Writer's block can be frustrating, but sometimes it can also be followed by a time of renewed energy and creativity. I'll look forward to hearing more from you. :)

Bethany said...

Awww he is adorable. Look how big he is getting!! He has turned into a little man

Zoanna said...

Wow! He looks more like a toddler than a baby now. Shhhh. I didn't say that, did I?

Shoot me an email. I'd love to hear what's on that mind of yours....I've got stuff,too. But you first.

sara jean said...

I never get sick of seeing that wonderful smile!

Love you heaps Amy:)

Jules said...

I love it! He is getting so big!

The Chinlund Family said...

What a precious little boy you have! Look at that joy-filled face! A content face like that reflects on good Momma-ing :) I hope you're doing well, other than having a writer's block. Feel free to post more pictures of Elijah if you want, I never get sick of looking at them! I would love to get our boys together someday! maybe at an IWU homecoming? Love ya girl!