Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vacation in Ohio

Northwest Ohio won't make anyone's top-ten list of vacation hot spots. But when you have a toddler, and northwest Ohio is where his grandparents live, it takes on a whole new appeal. Adventure-filled family vacations in exotic locales may be fun someday, but for now, we prefer to spend a week back home with our families, where we get to relax and spend quality time with loved ones. And, of course, there's free babysitting :)
We left after Steve got off work on July 3 and spent ten wonderful days in Ohio. Our vacation included...

...lounging at Grammy and Pops's house:

...spending time at Grandma and Grandpa's house, including a playdate with some of Elijah's second cousins (six boys under the age of four):

...and a birthday party for Great-Grandpa Kannel, where Elijah enjoyed jumping on Great-Aunt Suzie's trampoline:

Other un-photographed highlights included not one but TWO dates with my hubby (our anniversary getaway, plus a movie matinee later in the week); a cookout with my mom's extended family; dinner with our friends Kaleb and Denise; dinner and wonderful conversations with Granny and a couple of Steve's cousins; girls' night out (pizza subs, of course!) with my two best friends from high school; and a luxurious massage (Christmas gift from my parents--ahhh).

It was so nice to spend relaxed, extended time with our families and catch up with a few friends. Elijah loved all the attention from his doting grandparents--and we enjoyed the break. Northwest Ohio may not be glamorous, but while Elijah is little, it ranks as my number-one family vacation spot.


Anonymous said...

Don't downplay your destination--it looks like a *wonderful* vacation! I mean, you got two dates and Elijah was completely surrounded by cousins, wow, those are important memory-building, relationship-building, extended-family-bonding times.

Zoanna said...

Southwest Ohio was our vacation destination when our kids were very little. It's where their cousins were , and the only affordable place (read: free) to spend a week. I have no regrets. The time spent making memories far exceeds ANY destination, for what's a lovely destination if one cannot remember the lovely people there?

Amy said...

ah yes...the cost (or lack thereof) of this vacation is also a huge bonus :)

Kristin said...

We're headed to my parents' this weekend, and I feel the exact same way. There is no place I'd rather be going right now.

Unknown said...

Elijah is getting so BIG! Incredible! He is such an adorable little man. I'm glad you had a great vacation and that you were able to snag some hubby time...what a blessing that both of your families are so close. Sure cuts down on travel time, let me tell you!

love you!

admin said...

Can't believe how big he is growing!