Monday, September 06, 2010

Multitude Monday, Take 174

Thanking God this week for...

850. Babies R Us and their generous return policy/willingness to bend the policy for a pregnant woman
851. an encouraging, helpful phone conversation with wise gospel counsel from a dear friend
852. the safe arrival of a friend's baby
853. the financial cushion to make mistakes and have them be annoying/frustrating, but not devastating
854. grace to encourage a friend instead of wallowing in self-absorption

855. old, ugly kitchen counters, so I don't care when they get stained by Kool-Aid dye
856. the amazing way God has provided a doula for my upcoming birth
857. my sweet husband making dinner when I was a mess one afternoon
858. a visit from my brother- and sister-in-law and my cute niece
859. the baby shower our church threw for me and four other pregnant women

860. my sister-in-law's using her mad sewing skills to bless me
861. Steve's patience with Elijah and insight into E's behavior
862. an extension on my final paper for my CCEF class
863. gorgeous weather all weekend long
864. pouring out grace beyond what I ask or imagine

865. demonstrating His faithfulness when I am faithless and full of unbelief

holy experience

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