Monday, July 23, 2012

Multitude Monday, Take 254

 After two weeks in Ohio and a week of playing catch-up with housework, etc., I'm hoping to settle back into the blogging groove this week :) A few things I'm thanking God for this week include...

4120. zero-VOC paint
4121. Sunday afternoon naps
4122. fellowship with a dear family
4123. more community groups starting up among our church
4124. the gift of good communication with my husband

4125. a missing favorite pen, found
4126. our neighbors' lovely perennial garden, right along the front sidewalk for everyone to enjoy
4127. discipline to get back into the workout routine
4128. The Hunger Games to keep me motivated to get on the elliptical
4129. Steve wrestling with the boys

4130. early morning time to journal
4131. the fact that I spilled flour all over the floor *before* I vacuumed
4132. bookworm-talk with a friend
4133. date night in, lots of time to talk with Steve
4134. Steve's humility and gracious attitude toward others' sin

4135. Jude's belly laugh
4136. Steve having Elijah help him paint shelves for the linen closet, apply drywall mud in the office
4137. a long phone chat with a dear friend
4138. productivity while we talked
4139. gorgeous heirloom tomatoes from the farmers' market

4140. a happy bouquet of orange, blue and yellow flowers
4141. Jude learning to say "please"
4142. an unexpected date with Elijah, after I'd been harsh with him all day and needed the time to reconnect
4143. getting to see Annie Get Your Gun for the first time since I performed in it 12 years ago
4144. belting "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better" in the car with Steve (one of our big duets from the show :)

4145. the way our pastor always makes much of Jesus
4146. sending His Son not only to forgive us, but to set us free
4147. the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, living in me
4148. an ocean of grace that's mine in Christ

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