5331. the fascinating chemistry of baking: egg whites turning from clear gelatinous goo to stiff, white peaks of fluff
5332. watermelon
5333. dinner with a friend at Panera Bread, her treat
5334. the gift of hearing her recite all of Philippians from memory
5335. His tremendous capacity for compassion and mercy, far beyond my understanding, let alone my own capacity
5336. the story of Hosea
5337. washi tape
5338. answered prayers
5339. Steve flirting with me
5440. Elijah's excitement about starting kindergarten
5441. opportunities to talk to Elijah about God's sovereign, loving, wise care for us
5442. a car in which to run errands
5443. cool breezes
5444. first tomato pie of the summer
5445. a new cable for the iPod to replace the ridiculously broken one that crackled and popped more than Rice Krispies
5446. the sweet women who teach and care for my boys at Mom's Day Out
5447. time to write
5448. time at the splash pad with friends
5449. to-die-for carrot cake ice cream at Music City Candy
5450. vintage blue glass
5451. peach blueberry cornmeal cobbler
5452. BLTs on homemade whole wheat toast
5453. boys shouting "I love you, Mama!"
5454. Jude's Sunday morning compliment: "Mama, I like your pwetty neckuhwess!"
5455. Jude happily running off to the nursery
5456. another beautiful day for a family hike at Radnor Lake
5457. Jude's response upon being told we were going hiking: "HIKING! WE GOING HIKING!" (at full volume to anyone who would listen)
5458. a mama deer and two babies, so close
5459. first grilled bruschetta chicken of the summer
5460. upstairs bathroom finally put back together
5461. His glory in creation
5462. writers who inspire me

Wow, Philippians by memory! I was on my way with the Romans project and then we moved. And they I lost all momentum. Sigh.
Are you doing any scripture memory at present?
I am, actually - after about a year of totally slacking off and not doing anything, I finally got back into it the last couple of months. I worked on Psalm 63 earlier this summer and now I'm tackling 1 Peter. only about 2/3 through chapter 1, but it's been great so far.
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