--Leigh McLeroy, The Beautiful Ache (175)
Remembering and praising God for a few of this week's gifts:
5530. Jude "hiding" under the covers with Clifford--"An' you dint see me!"
5531. bruschetta salad
5532. a long phone chat with my brother
5533. Steve able to go in to work late and take Elijah to school when I was sick
5534. Jude so sweet and easygoing when I felt terrible
5535. a fantastic Kate Morton novel to read while lying around all day
5536. 7-Up
5537. jasmine rice
5538. feeling like a new woman after a shower
5539. illness being short-lived
5540. Elijah enjoying kindergarten
5541. the assurance that He will work/did work even the mistakes I made from ignorance in a past job for His glory and His children's good
5542. my new niece!
5543. her early arrival meaning I will get to see her before Thanksgiving
5544. the early arrival of a friend's new baby boy
5545. a phone chat with a dear friend
5546. the smells of cinnamon-y things baking
5547. sweet, generous friends babysitting so Steve and I could go on a date
5548. a shared bowl of Pad Thai
5549. big band dance at Centennial Park, opportunity to try our our new moves :)
5550. an opportunity to catch up on a heart level with a friend
5551. a man at church being moved to tears by the gospel during his Scripture reading of Luke 18
5552. freezer filling with fresh fruit
5553. accidental alliteration (--see what I did there? haha, such a word nerd)
5554. a friend's perseverance in hard places testifying to His worth and trustworthiness

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