6951. a free guest pass to go with my mom to the gym
6952. time to connect with her
6953. the incredible train track Steve built for the boys
6954. Jude inviting every adult available to come play trains with him
6955. a lunch date with Steve
6956. half-price Christmas tree and ornaments to put up in the office next year
6957. pizza subs at my favorite hometown spot
6958. the Christ-centered poem my MIL wrote for a Christmas activity with the grandkids
6959. her gift for hospitality and bringing beauty to her home
6960. Steve playing games with Elijah
6961. thoughtful gifts we received
6962. others enjoying what we gave them
6963. sleeping in
6964. cousins having fun together
6965. my BIL and SIL hosting us for New Year's Eve
6966. delicious beef tenderloin an old friend bought and cooked for us on NYE
6967. peaceful adults-only meal after the kids had eaten and were off to play
6968. a kiss at midnight
6969. His mercies that are new every morning, not just once a year
6970. second chances and fresh starts available every moment, not just January 1
6971. the fact that Steve has never, ever treated me with anything but kindness and respect
6972. a friend's high compliment about enjoying discussion with me even when we're not on the same page
6973. lunch with my two best friends from high school
6974. watching Ohio State football with Steve's granny
6975. a Buckeye win over an SEC team
6976. my wonderful husband's 33 years of life
6977. a visit with my "adopted grandma"
6978. peek-a-boo with my 1yo niece
6979. great conversations with Steve in the car
6980. boys being awesome travelers
6981. the fact that I only ever feel protected and comforted, never threatened, by Steve's strength
6982. the hilarity of playing car games with Jude
6983. safety on the road over so many miles
6984. home sweet home after a long trip
6985. news that a friend who was told she probably couldn't conceive is pregnant
6986. news that another friend is also expecting
6987. our friends' 2yo running to me at church and throwing her arms around my legs for a big hug
6988. the fact that we have a far better covenant than that offered in Exodus 19
6989. our pastors' sensitivity, gentleness, compassion, humility
6990. reminders of the pain and devastating consequences sin can bring to ourselves and others
6991. conviction of unbelief
6992. my engineers busy at play Sunday night
6993. beginning a new week not fighting alone but alongside a dear friend

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