"...keep your eyes open, your heart broken,
and the words thank you always on the edge of your tongue."
and the words thank you always on the edge of your tongue."
Thanking God this week for...
7332. Vacation Bible School mornings
7333. Steve's healthy view of his job--not having his identity tied up in his work
7334. supper salads
7335. hydrangeas blooming in the neighborhood
7336. the privilege of spending a morning studying Scripture
7337. our turn to be family of the week on our church's prayer list
7338. being able to go to Wednesday night prayer meeting since school is out
7339. the beautiful, earnest prayers of brothers and sisters
7340. hearing them pray for our family
7341. time to chat with our pastor afterward
7342. boys sitting and reading with me first thing in the morning
7343. friends coming over after VBS
7344. an encouraging note from a friend
7345. double-batch of strawberry-rhubarb jam
7346. opportunity to serve a friend by babysitting her boys before VBS one day
7347. houseful of boys, having fun and playing together
7348. a friend babysitting so Steve and I could go to a work party
7349. her loving me and my boys enough to share helpful insights
7350. the fact that I can serve Jesus by cleaning a bathroom
7351. my parents' enduring marriage, 35 years strong
7352. fantastic discussion in our women's Sunday school class on Colossians
7353. inviting us to "continue steadfastly in prayer"--the fact that we are never bothering Him, but He delights to have us continually in conversation with Him
7354. friends around the dinner table on Sunday night

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