"So if you are
awash in a sea of God's gifts, dive in and savor them. Relish all there
is to relish in them as a means of expanding your mind and heart to know
God more deeply. Receive God's gifts gladly, give thanks for them, and
then be as generous with others as God has been with you."
--Joe Rigney, The Things of Earth
Thanking God the last few weeks for gifts like...
7355. long daylight hours
7356. air conditioning
7357. the perspective that fasting brings
7358. exposure of my heart and its disordered appetites
7359. Steve's endless patience and gentleness
7360. the boys' first experience of the symphony: Pixar in Concert
7361. the way music can evoke emotion so powerfully
7362. access to it and the means to expose our boys to it
7363. Saturday morning prayer, coffee and conversation with a dear friend
7364. our church's culture of celebrating life, throwing showers for fifth babies
7365. having to help the boys choose gratitude over whining --> good for my own attitude
7366. a family hike at Radnor Lake
7367. heavy but really good conversations with Steve
7368. blackberry picking
7369. Elijah's voracious reading
7370. gorgeous clouds at sundown
7371. a zoo visit with friends
7372. the adventure of getting caught in a downpour
7373. rain was better than sweltering heat!
7374. a friend's powerful example of loving her neighbor sacrificially
7375. clouded leopard cubs
7376. a decade of marriage to the man of my dreams
7377. a big fancy dinner at home with the boys for our anniversary
7378. first sweet corn of the summer
7379. Jude's face when he saw I'd bought some
7380. Airbnb
7381. first tomatoes of the summer
7382. a family bike ride on the greenway to see fireworks + avoid the traffic
7383. glow sticks from the dollar store
7384. Elijah's excitement about Sunday school, loving his teacher
7385. Jude singing the doxology terribly off-key
7386. an afternoon spent with a family from church
7387. crepe myrtles beginning to bloom
7388. the capacity to learn a new language
7389. His promises to tenderly shepherd us
7390. the wise and loving earthly shepherds He has provided to us at our church
7391. a friend's support and encouragement in efforts to get healthier
7392. a new blue skirt
7393. a friend's husband getting baptized
7394. zinnias from the farmers' market
7395. 18 years of walking with Him
7396. the fact that my biggest problem last week was ruined vacation plans
7397. grace to remain calm and not get angry with our travel agent
7398. evidence of the Spirit growing me: I felt more empathy than judgment for her mistake
7399. we didn't lose any money in the whole debacle
7400. grace to process my emotions in light of Truth and His steadfast love
7401. our pastors, who reflect the Good Shepherd as they care for our souls
7402. finding out I had $20 in credit from consignment sales at the bookstore
7403. blueberry cake
7404. boys eager to be Mama's helpers
7405. lunch and time to catch up with friends
7406. a High Priest who can sympathize with my weakness and extends mercy & grace
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