Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I'm Famous!

If you've been reading this blog very long, you know that GirlTalk is one of my must-read daily stops in the blogosphere. Last week they posted this Q&A, which addressed this question they've gotten from several girls: “I like such and such a guy but I’m not sure what his intentions are. I want to tell him how I feel, but I’m not sure what to do.”

Their answer was full of wise counsel, and after reading it, I was reminded so much of my own love story--which I love retelling. I couldn't resist writing to share it with them, hoping they would forward my email to the girls who have asked that question. I thought that perhaps my story of God's grace and sovereignty would encourage those girls.

Today I discovered they had posted my story on the blog! I'm famous! :)

It's kind of long--I tried to condense as much as possible, but Steve's and my relationship involves a lot of years and a lot of phases! And if you are close to me or were at our wedding, you know the story already. But if not, head on over there to read about how God brought Steve and me together. (The comment about *me* being famous is tongue-in-cheek, of course. For the "star" of that story is not me--who definitely would have screwed everything up and made a big mess if left to myself--but the Lord, who in His infinite wisdom, power and love, didn't leave me to myself, but instead orchestrated it all for our good and His glory.)


Anonymous said...

I actually read that blog earlier and was wondering if that was your story! How exciting, I love your blog and theirs!

dottie said...

how awesome that they posted your e-mail (and it's beautifully well written, too! in content and diction)

it was exactly what i needed to hear at this moment in my evening. i send a huge "thank you" out to you and steve for having such an encouraging story for us single girls out there who want so desperately to take control and do the pursuing. may we continue to trust in the Lord and rest assured that falling in love with the King of Kings gives us the patience to wait.

love ya!

Kelly said...

You made it on GIRL TALK??? How cool!!! (And WHEN is Janelle going to have her baby???)

I'm proud of you Amy! I just love you to pieces!

Thanks for your note the other day. It was so sweet. And yes...look for more blogging to come soon. I promise!!!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...


Reading your and Steve's story again was such an encouragment to me. =) I always want to take charge, or have things work the way I want them to (I guess that would be the same thing, huh?). I needed to be reminded of God's sovereignty.

God bless!

Anonymous said...

Your story was also posted on Solo Femininity.

Jules said...

You ARE famous! Well, your love story is anyway.

As someone who was there with you through all of it, it is so neat to look back and see how the Lord’s hand truly was guiding you during that time.

Thank God you didn't "give up on the fairytale and move on" as you were "wisely" counseled. ;-)

Jackie said...

ahh I love you're love story! It's soooo awesome that they posted your e-mail! How cool is that! I can say I know a famous person now ... haha two famous people .. you AND God! :o)