Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Remembering Jesus?

I'm slow on the uptake with this one, but last week Mark Lauterbach did a stellar three-part series on communion--asking, what does it really mean to remember Jesus? He concludes that it looks a whole lot different from the somber, self-flagellating introspection that marks communion at most every church I've ever been a part of. As with most things he writes, I read it and go, "Duh! Of course! Why didn't I get this before--and why don't more people get this?"

Here's an excerpt of the third post:
...we begin with the cross to see our sin. The call to examine ourselves in 1 Corinthians 11 can be done by starting with the Savior bleeding on the cross-- suffering the forsakenness by God, being made sin for us, being made a curse for us, having all our sins laid upon him, being crushed by the Lord. From there I see my sin in the presence of God's grace and justice -- what sort of vile thing is sin that it requires this? What sort of love that he should die for me?

At the foot of the cross my sin is seen more clearly than at the foot of Mt Sinai, because at the foot of the cross we have the fullest revelation of the glory of God in history -- and it is in the presence of his glory that I see my sin most clearly. And the cross reveals the love and mercy of God in a way that melts my heart.

Do yourself a favor and go read the rest. I am pretty sure I, for one, won't be taking communion in the same way next time.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree that remembering Jesus of Nazereth is extremely important especiall on 9/11.

I am a Unitarian Christian.This will most likely make my theological Perspective very liberal in comparison to yours.
and yes Jesus Christ was a powerful Revolutionary as are the other great leaders of other Religions.

Regarding Communion.
The most spiritual communion that I have partaken in was when I was working with the " Food not Bombs Prodject" that feeds the homeless at Legislative plaza every Sunday, here in Nashville.

We who have more than others are here to shine the light for those who do not. I write " the light" as used in Modern Quaker Thought.

I am presently reading about the life of Catholic Worker Movement Organizer, " Dorothy Day" and it is thru her essays that I too am learning more about what " Communion" truly means.