The last time I posted about Scripture memorization, someone asked: How do you decide what to memorize? Perhaps you already have a favorite passage of Scripture, like a favorite Psalm, that jumps immediately to mind. You might choose a chapter from which you've already memorized a verse or two, to give yourself a confidence boost. Another idea is to choose a passage that speaks to something you often struggle with--like I could memorize Philippians 2 to combat my ongoing battle with pride.
Still stumped? In a recent interview, Ryan Ferguson--whose inspiring, dramatic recitations of Scripture have been featured at conferences such as Worship God '06--offered these ideas:
Prior to giving specifics, let me first suggest that whatever longer passage you choose, make it a passage of Scripture that God has used in your life and heart. This connection will assist you in your memory work, because it will be connecting God’s powerful Word to your thinking and living. I would suggest the following: Psalm 1, 46, 139, 150, Genesis 1, John 1, I John 1, any chapter in Ephesians, James 1.
During the original Mega Memory Month, Helen at A Work of Heart also posted a helpful list of suggestions, taken from Tim LaHaye's book How to Study the Bible for Yourself. LaHaye lists twelve chapters he believes every Christian should master:
- Ephesians 5
- Galatians 5
- John 14-17
- Romans 6,8,12
- I Timothy 2
- Ephesians 4, 6
I began my extended-memorization journey with Romans 8, which was a wonderful choice. It's a chapter rich with gospel truth and it speaks to so many aspects of the Christian life: freedom from condemnation, adoption as God's children, peace with Him, encouragement through suffering, the promise of heaven, the Spirit's help, the never-failing love of God...I think if I had to choose just one favorite passage of Scripture, it would be this one. And it's got several familiar verses that will help boost your memorization. If you can't decide where to start, I'd warmly recommend starting there.
And, just a note, Mega Memory Month isn't limited to Scripture. God's Word is undoubtedly the most important, enduring thing you could commit to memory, but you might find other things valuable as well. In fact, I'll be memorizing something different this month--I'll share more when MMM officially begins. I hope you'll join me!
Wow, what a great post! I'll link to this on Jan. 1, for people who may need ideas.
I'm so glad to know you're a part of MMM this time around. Not only are you bright and fun, but you value Scripture memorization with a loving passion for God's Word.
Sounds like you've got some surprises this month, however--can't wait to read more!
This is great! I'm going to consider this as I ponder what God would have me focus on this year. For Christmas Josh and I memorized Is. 53. I can't say I was totally successful at it, I memorized half of it. I think this would be a good next step in my spiritual development.
Definitely got me thinking here. Hmm, is there an area I'm EXEMPT from needing help with. That would surely narrow my options. But alas, as chief of sinner, I've pretty much got a cover=t0=cover selection. Phil 2 would be a good start for me.
haha, Zo, I totally feel ya.
I'm going for Romans 12:9-21 as I was wanting to memorize it anyways. Looking forward to it.
Oh, and I thought that picture was a brain at first. LOL!
Amy, thanks for these great ideas. I clicked over from Ann's blog. I will do my kick off post tomorrow; but am choosing Ecclesiastes 7. I used to win awards in elementary school for Bible memorization--I hope I haven't lost it completely!! Good luck with your MMM goal.
thanks for stopping by, Teresa! hope your memorization skills prove to have held up :)
I just popped over from Ann's blog... Great post! I'm late, but I'll be hopping on later today.
One particular suggestion of yours resonated with me, so the wheels are turning.
Thanks a lot! Ciao.
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