Just in time to challenge us to battle the lazy days of summer: Ann Kroeker has announced the return of Mega Memory Month! She suggests:
As we head into the dog days of summer, why not give our minds something to chew on?
Whether you're a veteran memorizer or have never worked on a memory project, why not join us during the month of July? I've experienced countless benefits to hiding God's Word in my heart, and I found January's MMM to be extremely helpful and encouraging. There's just something about public accountability and fellowship with other people who are working on memorization that gives me extra motivation to kick it in gear!
I just found out about MMM earlier this afternoon, so I haven't yet decided what I'm going to work on--I'll announce tomorrow. In the meantime, I wanted to pass the word along and invite you to join in. Ann's instructions:
Pick something to memorize. Try memorizing something long. Something formidable. Something mega. (challenge yourself relative to what you’ve tackled in the past.) It could be poetry, a famous speech, or a passage of Scripture.
Announce it on your blog or in the comments of this post whenever you like. If you find out about MMM late or forget about it until halfway through the month, no problem. Jump in and do what you can in the time that remains.
You're also invited to leave a link at her blog and use the button (above) to display your participation in this blog carnival.
If you're new to memorizing, don't be intimidated--just start small. I know you'll be glad you participated, even if you just pick a couple of verses to work on. As Ann reminds us:
Nobody is judging how well we complete this month-long memory project—it simply provides public accountability. Don’t let the word “mega” discourage you from participating. Participate even if your selection is modest. In fact, my own might be pretty puny compared to those of some mega-memorizers. The bottom line is that we will be better for it. So jump in and join the carnival, whether you chip away at something short or long. ...Let’s take a risk. Stretch ourselves. ...Our minds can hold more than we think they can.
So glad to know you're joining and inviting others to be part of July 2009 Mega Memory Month--I'm looking forward to your encouraging posts!
Alrighty Amy, I'm in this year:) I will work on some memory work for the Month of July, not sure what just yet, I will let you know when I make a decision:)
yay, Sara! can't wait to hear what you decide to work on :)
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