Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Counselors Everywhere

It's hard to believe, but this week I listened to the sixth of 12 lectures for my class--meaning we are nearing the halfway point. I'm still feeling really excited and blessed to be taking the class--I find the material endlessly fascinating, and I am learning SO much.

One of the things I'm learning is that everyone is a counselor: Everywhere I go, I encounter people and groups and institutions who interpret reality and invite me to respond a certain way. Four people, faced with the same exact set of facts, might interpret those facts very, very differently--and their responses either implicitly or explicitly call me to join them.

And I'm seeing that so often in my life, I have interpreted God in light of my flawed perception of reality, when faith means the exact opposite: interpreting reality in light of what I know to be true of God, His character and deeds and promises as revealed in Scripture.

"Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors" (Psalm 119:24).

So I come to Psalm 119:24, and I confess with the psalmist that I want to stop listening to my fickle emotions and all the competing interpretations of life that assault me daily. I want God's testimonies, His declarations of truth, to be my counselors. I want to go to His Word to help me rightly see and interpret reality.

Guide me in Your truth, O Lord--open my eyes, so that I can see and enjoy the wonderful, beautiful truths in Your Word. Increase my hunger for Your Word and enable me to keep it, to delight in You more and more.

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