161. Skype (why on earth did it take us so long to get into this??)
162. old ladies doting on Elijah at the grocery store
163. hanging basket full of colorful fruit: red apples, orange clementines, yellow grapefruit, green apples (why didn't I get a picture??)
164. my new blender, which we are having fun experimenting with: green smoothies, raw applesauce, ice cream, almond butter...the possibilities are nearly endless!
165. Mega Memory Month
166. my new chiropractor
167. Elijah's angelic behavior at the chiro, enabling me to go in for adjustments and take him with me three times in the last week, with zero problems (!!)
168. hot showers
169. hot chocolate
170. clean laundry
171. late night writing time
172. Qdoba date for Steve's birthday
173. coupons for free chips & queso next time
174. Qdoba leftovers for lunch today
175. mercies new every morning, not just on January 1
176. grace to get up early and commune with that merciful God

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