Outside my window...
Snow again! Not looking forward to having to clear several inches of it off my car (it is impossible to clear the entire windshield of an SUV with a small ice scraper!), but otherwise I kind of like the white stuff. It's beautiful. I'd rather have snow than rain, if it's going to be cold.
I am thinking...
that I miss blogging. I haven't been carving out the time to write lately, and when that happens, I just feel "off." Life is out of balance. It isn't a matter of not having time, it's a matter of not being disciplined and *making* time, but instead wasting five minutes here, ten minutes there...story of the last five years of my life...
I am thankful for...
the promise that God doesn't give up on me, but is committed to remaking me in the image of His Son, in spite of all the times I fail again and again in the exact same ways.
From the kitchen...
whole wheat bread rising--I'm getting back into the habit of making bread after a few months off following Jude's birth. Sloppy lentils for supper (we're *still* eating freezer meals; I went a little crazy last spring/summer). And I can't keep my hands out of the homemade granola I pulled out of the freezer this morning. I'm itching to bake again, which I haven't done much of since Jude was born. Steve requested beer bread, and I think Elijah and I might do some heart-shaped sugar cookies for Valentine's Day.
I am wearing...
fleece-lined khaki pants--almost forgot about these, sooooo comfy and warm--a nursing tank top and a purple turtleneck sweater. and socks and slippers.
I am creating...
home decor. I hope. Last month I bought a frame for a Christmas gift and ordered quality prints of some family/newborn pictures. I am determined that 2011 will be the year I make a collage wall in my living room, to replace the two mismatched, too-small frames that hang there now. Add that to the Lowe's gift card I got for Christmas and maybe I will finally spruce up our home a little! I am so decorating-impaired...
I am going...
to visit my dear friend Kristin next month! Just bought my plane ticket last night, thanks to a United voucher Steve had from some messed up business travel last spring. Can't wait.
I am reading...
books instead of blogs! I've been doing a LOT more offline reading in the last couple of months, currently switching between five different books. For Kindle, A Tale of Two Cities (which I'm having a HARD time plodding through, but my friend Melita reassures me the second half of the book will pay off) and The Spirit of Food: 34 Writers on Fasting and Feasting Toward God. In traditional book form, I've finally picked up--and am absolutely loving--Adopted for Life, which I bought several months ago. I also pre-ordered and am slowly savoring Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts. Finally, I'm reading another food book, Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food--which I'm excited to be reading and discussing along with several ladies from church.
Bible-wise, I'm in 2 Kings and trying to grow in "how to read the Bible Christianly." It's exciting--I'm looking forward to Old Testament reading more than I ever have before!
I am hoping...
to get this blog going again soon. I miss it.
I am hearing...
Elijah's white noise machine, and blissful silence. Both boys are fast asleep. Ahhhh.
Around the house...
chaos as usual. I keep saying I need to organize Elijah's toys and put all but a few in rotation, getting out "new" ones every few weeks. They're currently overtaking the
One of my favorite things...
these pants. Why did it take me so long to remember to get them out?!
A few plans for the rest of the week...
headed to the chiropractor this afternoon to get my head pulled away from my shoulders. Fun, huh? I've been doing a few weeks of traction to get a more long-term fix for my ongoing neck problems. Tomorrow I hope to hit the Mennonite bulk foods store up in Kentucky. And over the weekend I've got to run some errands, including the Sprint store: I dropped my phone last Saturday and the screen stopped working. Apparently cell phone screens don't handle drops much better than Kindle screens. If you're keeping score at home, that's Amy-2, Electronic Screens-0. Except that I'm the loser when they get busted. Here's hoping Sprint's customer service is as good as Amazon's.
In other words...pretty exciting stuff. What I *am* excited about is Monday: I think Steve and I are going to head to Qdoba for Valentine's Day, because if we kiss each other at the cash register we get a free burrito. Awesome.
A picture thought I am sharing...
I wandered out into the living room a few nights ago and found this impossibly adorable sight:
What an adorable picture! Little Jude is getting big so quickly.
Where did you hear about the Qdoba deal? I'm tempted to take them up on that one! :)
What is it with us? I've had neck problems too, along with si joint since Sophia's birth. I've had some neck issues for a while but they've gotten worse with her birth. The first time the PT saw me he was like, "Your muscles are as hard as a rock!" I've been feeling better but they still flare up. I think I must be persisting in doing something wrong posturely (I doubt that's a word but I just made it one.)
Also, what whole wheat bread recipe do you use? I love the 5 min. artisan bread, but not all of their stuff is whole wheat and haven't found one I love! Although I did make beer bread this past week too. :)
And finally, what do you think of The Spirit of Food? I was looking at that wondering if I'd like it or not.
@Anna - I heard about it on Facebook, plus I got an email today through Qdoba's rewards program. might want to check your local one; I don't know if it's a nationwide promotion or just something Qdoba Nashville is doing.
@Danielle - my neck has been bad for years...my chiro can't believe I was never in an accident or injured or anything. the x-rays he took a couple of years ago were really sad...basically the curve in my neck is gone and I'm on my way to having a hump-back like my grandmother if I don't try to take care of it now. plus I have a degenerated disc in my neck--hence the traction. I do know my posture is terrible. I have neck exercises I'm supposed to be doing regularly and then after the traction is done I may be getting some sort of device to use at home to restore the curve.
I've tried several whole wheat bread recipes...the one I'm currently using is just a basic one I got from a friend. I'm not totally satisfied with it as it uses a lot of gluten and I just don't feel 100% comfortable with adding a ton of extra gluten, but it does make good bread.
and so far I love The Spirit of Food. haven't read a ton of it though, just the intro (which was fab) and maybe three essays, one of which was Ann V's that I'd already read on her blog. do you have a Kindle? I'd totally lend it to you when I'm done with it, if you don't want to buy it. if you are looking to buy it, the editor was offering it for $22 including shipping if you contact her directly--I saw her email address on High Calling Blogs, I think it was.
WAY too cute picture. Gosh, your little man is a cutie pie!
Sorry to hear about the neck. One chiro told me (when I had little bsbies) to carry as light of a diaper bag as possible, and make it backpack style so the weight is not always on one shoulder. Ditto for the purse when I went to carrying that--it was 3.5 pounds--too much!
Sounds like Crave is the reading rave these days. I'll have to check it out. So happy that you get to fly away next month:) Nice to read a post of yours again. I've missed you.
Couldn't help but notice that afghan in the picture...brought a huge smile to my face and lots of memories to mind!
Maria, that afghan has had a permanent place on our couch ever since we got married...we use it DAILY. and now, often have to fight Elijah for it :) memories indeed!
(for anyone who's curious...Maria taught me to crochet in college and that afghan was my first project--I made it for Steve for our first Christmas together, when we were dating :) we won't talk about how it has a vaguely hourglass shape...)
I don't have a kindle. I'm still pretty stuck on "real" books, ha ha! :) And if you ever find a whole wheat bread recipe you love, do pass it on! Until then, we shall keep searching . . . :)
I think I might have to add adopted for life to my reading list. I looked through the contents, and I love that a chapter is about how adopted is past tense :)
@jennifer: it is SO good! I am about halfway through and so far would highly recommend it!
I saw this today online and thought of you - hopefully it's too late to need it for this year, of course!
- Amanda
which Amanda is this? I know a few...
...and thanks :)
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