Monday, March 21, 2011

Multitude Monday, Take 198

Thanking God this week for...

1465. grace to survive week one of potty training
1466. Thomas the Train big-boy underwear
1467. silk pajama pants
1468. remembering that I am dust
1469. His compassion, kindness, patience

1470. His mercy when I do not reflect these things to my sons
1471. dimpled hands
1472. fuzzy blond hair
1473. the beauty of language
1474. reminders that the "villains" are human and more like me than I'd care to admit

1475. trust and vulnerability with friends
1476. evidence of grace and helping each other see it
1477. wisdom, insight and encouragement from a dear friend
1478. husband's thoughtfulness, selflessness
1479. good news from a friend

1480. gorgeous weather
1481. flip-flops on my birthday
1482. birthday cards in the mail
1483. birthday calls and texts and Facebook wishes
1484. donuts with sprinkles

1485. diapers hanging on the line
1486. felt food breakfast with puppet animals
1487. baking fails to humble me
1488. Elijah riding on Steve's shoulders
1489. flowers given with a "Happy Birfday, Mama!"

1490. new pocket camera
1491. painted toenails
1492. dinner with old and new friends
1493. safe arrival of a cousin's baby
1494. anticipation of a new nephew arriving any day now

1495. healing the sicknesses of our bodies and our hearts


Kay K said...

Love your post ....remembering that I am dust

Danielle said...

What camera did you decide on?

Amy said...

the ELPH 300HS - it's just been released this month. I just got it Saturday - excited to learn and start experimenting.

LeAnna said...

Ah yes, thank the Lord for Thomas the Train undies. They're a hit at our house, too. ;P