Monday, August 15, 2011

Multitude Monday, Take 217

"I have learned that in every circumstance that comes my way, I can choose to respond in one of two ways: I can whine OR I can worship! And I can't worship without giving thanks. It just isn't possible." --Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Choosing Gratitude

"I know this seems painfully obvious, but when our children are fussing, the antidote for them is gratitude. But how are we showing them that when we start getting huffy and snippy? Are you modeling thankfulness by being thankful for your fussy children...?" --Rachel Jankovic, Loving the Little Years

Trying to curb the whining with worship this week as I thank God for...

2049. two-year-old friend's pink painted toenails
2050. chickens free-ranging, and all still living

2051. loved ones learning to trust God
2052. His mercy
2053. a last-minute zoo trip to celebrate Elijah's birthday

2054. homemade birthday cards from his little friends
2055. ice cream cones for everyone
2056. four years of being Elijah's mama
2057. a lunch date with him at IHOP
2058. pancakes and bacon! for lunch! that's crazy!

2059. homemade carrot cake with perfect, delectable cream-cheese icing
2060. Elijah helping me grind up the carrots and mix the cake
2061. friends helping us celebrate over tomato pie and cake + ice cream
2062. grace to see my son as the gift he is
2063. boys swinging together at the park

2064. my tiny camera, easy to have on hand and get out frequently
2065. new adorable photos of my nephew in the mail
2066. cooler temperatures
2067. Jude loving grilled salmon
2068. Steve's generous and humble heart

2069. the way our parents set us up for financial success so generously
2070. flaxseed hidden in oatmeal
2071. Elijah still wanting to sit in my lap after I've been a total jerk
2072. grace to whisper/breathe deep/answer calmly *some* of the time
2073. a new book about the gospel for only $0.99 on my Kindle

2074. photos finally sorted, edited, uploaded and shared
2075. pizza and playtime with Daddy at the park
2076. not making me a single parent
2077. newly organized bookshelves
2078. organic tomatoes for $1/lb

2079. peaches from a roadside stand
2080. opportunity to bless as we have been blessed
2081. a sweet girl at church taking Jude during the half hour snack/fellowship time
2082. Steve's willingness to be a guinea pig for new recipes
2083. an evening walk with my guys

2084. The Valley of Vision for when I don't have words to pray
2085. Monday mornings, fresh starts, mercies new

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