A difficult email from a dear friend this weekend had me doing the hard eucharisteo, choosing by grace to turn toward God and thank Him for...
2111. my friend's courage
2112. the fact that she cares enough about me and about our friendship to speak hard words
2113. her example of not fearing man
2114. grace at work in me, enabling me to make a preliminary response of humility and gratitude rather than anger and defensiveness (this can only be His grace in my proud heart!)
2115. my sweet husband immediately noticing and taking time to talk with me about it
2116. the fact that Steve and I are on the same page about pretty much everything
2117. Steve's calm, wise, reassuring words
2118. the promise that He *will*--not just *can*, but WILL--use this for my good
2119. orchestrating conflict in order to grow and refine me
2120. His commitment to make me more like Christ
2121. not letting me flounder, but instigating ways for me to see my failures and make course corrections
2122. the fact that my status as His beloved daughter does not depend on my performance
2123. Jesus' perfect record of obedience, transferred to me
2124. not having to be concerned about my reputation because the cross has already declared publicly what a screw-up I am and what I deserve
2125. covering all my sins completely
2126. fresh motivation to seek His face and depend on His grace
A Mess and a Savior
The Honest Truth About Me
Monday, September 05, 2011
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1 comment:
sending you hugs and love, Amy. No matter what, you will always be loved, by God, your family, and me and many, many more friends. Hang in there! Wishing you peace in your heart,
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