Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Multitude Monday, Take 279

Now that it's Wednesday and this post got started but never finished...whew! Crazy week. Thanking God for...

4818. grace to set my alarm and get up early
4819. the fact that I have grown to enjoy early mornings, once I am out of bed
4820. the hilarity of remembering what I once considered "early" morning
4821. my parents asking to take Elijah for a few days during his spring break
4822. gas to drive and meet them halfway

4823. driving west at sunset
4824. road signs to aid navigation
4825. Jude missing his brother before we even pulled in our driveway
4826. phone chats with a dear friend
4827. daylight later in the evenings

4828. boys who adjust to DST with minimal frustration
4829. Skype with Elijah at Grammy & Pops's house
4830. Jude's face lighting up at the sight of his brother
4831. time to sit and really talk with Steve about things on my heart
4832. the fact that latex paint easily washes off hands

4833. low-VOC paint
4834. birthday packages
4835. being slow to anger, unlike me
4836. not treating me as my sins deserve
4837. a little crafting time with friends

4838. safe travels for me and my parents in exchanging Elijah
4839. podcasts and audiobooks to occupy my mind in the car
4840. a good report from Grammy and Pops
4841. parents I can trust to care for my children for several days
4842. Elijah and Jude running toward each other and hugging

4843. a walk across the newly-opened Big Four bridge in Louisville


4844. Elijah having regained the weight and strength he lost to the stomach bug
4845. Jude's corduroy blazer
4846. Jude wanting to be in the kitchen with me


Danielle said...

What kind of show is "This American Life"? I've heard of it but never listened.

Amy said...

aaaaahhhhh! Danielle! first Harry Potter and now TAL?!

It's my fave. I have no idea how to characterize it, though. "Each week we choose a theme, and bring you a variety of different kinds of stories on that theme."--that's the tagline that Ira Glass always says :) Sometimes only very loosely related to the theme. Sometimes stand-up comedy/ journalistic reporting...general storytelling on any random's pretty liberal at times but I find it good for getting me out of my Christian bubble and helping me understand how people very different from me think and see the world. Sometimes funny/entertaining, sometimes fascinating/informative, sometimes maddening, sometimes offbeat and weird, sometimes moving and profound...

I'll try to recommend a couple of good ones to get you started. Some episodes are better than others. A friend of mine was hooked in college and tried to introduce me, but I didn't get into it then. but then I started listening a few years ago and have been hooked ever since.

Danielle said...

I'll take your recommendations. Ah yes, Ira Glass. Kinda know who he is. Didn't connect the two.