--Shauna Niequist, Cold Tangerines
Celebrating the ordinary and thanking God for...
5127. a free round of mosquito spray for our yard
5128. a well-stocked freezer and pantry
5129. preventative chiropractic care
5130. Yukon Gold potatoes
5131. husband praying for me
5132. recent issues of Southern Living from a thoughtful friend, surprising me
5133. a friend texting me, praying and thinking of me
5134. Oriental chicken salad
5135. Command+Z, to "undo" accidental deletions (if only LIFE had an "undo" button...)
5136. the ability to instantly download new music
5137. upstairs bathroom finally painted
5138. leek fritters
5139. our insanely cheap and wonderful Mom's Day Out program
5140. cookbooks and journals with lay-flat spines
5141. sweet sleeping boys, both still taking great naps every day
5142. finding out about a local Touch-a-Truck event in time to go
5143. the boys' excitement about it
5144. kind men bringing their trucks and patiently letting kids explore
5145. a perfectly gorgeous day for it
5146. sunscreen
5147. a chat with my mom while the boys played on a playground
5148. fellowship with church families
5149. early-morning snuggles, unsolicited
5150. Jude's excited "Daddy's having cheese for a snack, surely he will share with me" dance
5151. Steve's hard work all day Saturday prepping the bathroom for tile
5152. this encouraging blog post
5153. free books by the Puritans, like this one
5154. crispy thin-crust pizza for $6
5155. this time-lapse photography of a storm cell, evidence of God's power and glory
5156. boys wishing Daddy a Happy Father's Day, unprompted
5157. my amazing husband, wonderful daddy to our two boys
5158. my amazing dad, who got so many things right and has loved me so well

5159. the privilege of calling Him Abba, Father
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