Thursday, August 31, 2006

Convert or Be Killed? links to a thoughtful commentary today about the FOX reporter and cameraman who were held hostage by terrorists and converted to Islam at gunpoint. Here's an excerpt:

After 13 days of harrowing captivity, FOX newsman Steve Centanni and cameraman Olaf Wiig were released by terrorists…unharmed…emotional and grateful. Images of them falling tearfully into the arms of loving family graced the television Sunday from morning ‘til night. Who of us didn’t rejoice?

Only those of us, perhaps, who understood the terms of their release. Dressed in Islamic garb, Steve and Olaf, cameras rolling, bowed their heads and converted to Islam. It was convert or be killed and they chose life.

Wouldn’t you? After all, everyone knows “conversions” are just performances required by deranged hostage takers to somehow advance their cause. No one means it when they renounce their government, their homeland….their God. You can believe something in your heart and say another, can’t you?

...Words matter to God. They are the basis of oaths and covenants. In the beginning was the “Word” and the “word” was God. He spoke words and the world was created. He spoke words to seal an eternal covenant with Abraham. That “Word” is the same yesterday, today and forever. Could he possibly expect us to indulge the opposite in ourselves? ...How have we come to a place where saying what’s expedient to save ourselves is acceptable…even to Christians?

Read the whole thing here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally missed that the newsmen converted to Islam! How did I do that? Was this reported on Fox, etc.?

I'm not surprised that it was "convert or die"....I think many Americans are unaware that this is always the case with the religion of Islam...

I asked my friend from India, who is Hindu, if Muslims were peace loving people...she declared that they were not...she declared them to be brutal and said that many Hindu's in India converted to Islam to avoid beheading...she says the Islamic ideas are half-baked and that the followers of Islam should marry a virgin and rear 72 virgin daughters instead of murdering in order to gain "heaven" and 72 virgins...

She knows first hand what Islam is, and I think those here in the US who are ignorant of this fact need to take Indian friend was calling them the new fascists before I heard this referrence on television...

My friend, who happens to be a PhD. knows whereof she speaks. I only mention her level of education because so many people
in the US think that anyone who says anything that is not politically correct is ignorant.

My opinion before asking my Indian friend was that Muslims and the religion of Islam are extremely dangerous and a threat to our nation and our freedom...her knowledge only verified further what I believed to be true...

I believe the followers of Islam here in the US are only being "peaceful" in order to get a foothold and eventually gain a stronghold...perhaps through the political process initially, but eventually, I believe, through physical force....