I have been packing on the pounds at an alarming rate...just hoping that this baby is a good eater like I am told his/her daddy was :) And the swelling has kicked in. It really isn't too bad, but for the last week or so my wedding ring has been stuck on my finger. I hardly ever take it off, so by the time I realized my fingers were actually swollen, it wouldn't budge. I finally pried it off today (ouch) and won't be wearing it anymore until after Baby arrives :(
On the bright side: miraculously, not a single stretch mark as of yet! Here's hoping I don't jinx myself by saying that.
I am definitely reaching that point in pregnancy where I'm tired of being pregnant. Oh, how I look forward to the day when rolling over in bed is not a huge production. Plus, Steve and I are both tired of talking/hearing/reading about labor/delivery/newborn care/child rearing--there's only so much you can read and talk about before you just have to DO it!
However...another part of me is definitely NOT ready for this baby to come anytime in the next few weeks--I feel like there are still a ton of things I need or want to get done before he or she arrives! Steve's mom and granny are headed down this week and, like my parents' visit, I am sure it will be a huge blessing--hopefully we'll get a lot done.
It is so hard for me to imagine how there is a six(ish)-pound baby curled up in this belly. The whole thing STILL seems so surreal. I am also glad we decided to be surprised about the gender, but really anxious to find out if Baby Kannel is a boy or a girl!
I think I could have written your blog post because you have articulated exactly how I feel, too! Only a few more weeks to go. :) I know you feel huge and uncomfortable (I do, too!) but you look healthy. I'm so glad Baby has decided to stay inside for so long! What an answer to your prayers.
I'll tell ya what Amy, I don't think you ever get use to the idea that it actually happened. I have now carried two babies and delivered two babies and it is still COMPLETELY inconceivable. I can not for the life of me fathom that I assisted in creating two lives, carried them around for 9 months each, and then delivered them. Josh watched it happen and will still tell you that he isn't sure how it happens. It's amazing! Good Luck and only God's best for you.
You look wonderful! I am so happy for you that the baby has made it this far. Now you get to enjoy the part with the swelling and everything else that comes along with being "full term". Hopefully you won't ever get stretch marks! I didn't make it this far along with David, so I have a ton more stretch marks this time around than I did with him. Oh well! At least they fade.
We are actually hoping the baby will hold out until Saturday- then all of the dates in our post-marriage life would be 28: our wedding-12/28, David's b-day: 10/18 and then Grace would be 7/28. But I don't think I am going to make it that long... we'll see :)
You guys must be so excited to meet your little one! I hope you can get everything done that you need to before the baby arrives.
Oh Amy, I wish I could be there to celebrate all of this with you. You are going to be one of the most fantastic moms I could ever imagine! Your baby is so blessed and he/she doesn't even know it yet. I love you and wish you the best through the end of your pregnancy. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. (Heb.12:2)
Oh Ames, you look wonderful! I know you don't feel that way, but trust me, you're still as cute as ever! I feel like your post could've been copied and pasted to my blog around mid-March, I can remember feeling exactly as you described! I hated not being able to wear my rings too, so Chad took me to Walmart and I got an $8 version that would fit around my finger! I also was anxious to find out the sex of the baby, and am so glad we waited, as seeing him come out of me and discovering it was a little boy was the most exhilarating moment of my life (to date at least!). Hang in there girl, you're almost done!!!
I think it's a girl!!
You're adorable!
I am with you all the way!! I am feeling swollen and getting comfortable in bed gets harder and harder and I'm thinking "I'm so ready to be DONE with being pregnant but not quite ready to begin with a baby!" But it'll be totally worth it in the end!
You look great and that's wonderful about no stretch marks! Hope that it stays that way.
I hate that I can't see you in person in all of your pregnant cuteness. It won't be long now!
Not to jinx it, but I didn't get stretch marks until almost week 39.
PS. I can't wear my wedding rings anymore either. :( I always wonder if people are silently judging me...
Even though you are very uncomfortable, you still look very cute! ;)
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