Friday, July 06, 2007

Thankful Thursday Friday, Take 40

Yesterday was a busy day, so I didn't get a chance to do my Thankful Thursday list. Can't skip it this week of all weeks--I have so much to be thankful for!
  • not just another week closer to August with no preterm labor--but the 34 week milestone, which means the lifting of almost all my activity restrictions!
  • the walk around the neighborhood I just took, for the first time in a month and a half
  • Steve's long weekend from work and all that he got accomplished during it (I think he was relieved to go back to the office...meant he didn't have to work as hard!)
  • the baby shower we had at church on Sunday and all the women who so generously hosted it and bought gifts for us
  • my awesome dad, who's upstairs painting the nursery as I type
  • my amazing mom, who's helping with cleaning and all kinds of miscellaneous tasks and errands
  • the day Mom and I got to spend together yesterday shopping and having lunch, just the two of us
  • new maternity clothes that cover my enormous belly--borrowed ones from another friend at church, and my own from my generous mom
  • church potlucks
  • bread bowls
  • clean water
  • the satisfaction of looking at a newly organized shelf/closet/drawer
  • the baby's strong heartbeat
  • the unchanging faithfulness of God


Anonymous said...

Yeah! I was wondering when you would be out of the danger zone. What good news! I hope your baby keeps on growing strong and that she comes right on time.

sara jean said...

Sounds like you are having a wonderful week! Praise the Lord! What a relief that you can start being more active, that is wonderful.