Sunday, August 12, 2007


Elijah Owen Kannel
Friday, August 10, 2007
2:58 p.m.
7 pounds, 8 ounces
20 1/2 inches long

We're home from the hospital...feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and blessed by this new little guy :) Blogging will be light to nonexistent for a while, but here are a few more photos to tide you over...


Anonymous said...

Whooo hooo! Awesome job, Amy! Welcome sweet baby Elijah.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Welcome to the world, Elijah!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby!!! Blessings to your precious family of three.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you!!! Thank you for taking the time to post this today. I'm sure you had many other things on your mind. :) I hope you get to rest this week and enjoy your new little guy. He's a cutie!

Anonymous said...

He is adorable and so handsome. You look wonderful, Amy. I hope all is going well now that you are home.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Congratulations!

sara jean said...

Oh I am so excited for all of you! What a precious gift! Praise the Lord for a healthy baby!

Robin said...

He's wonderful, Amy. Thanks for posting those photos....Many, many blessings!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! He is truly adorable, and I'm not just saying that. Enjoy him to the fullest, as I'm sure you will! :)

Christin said...

Amy, I'm so excited for you!! I can't believe you've just had a baby! Oh my goodness, I can't wait to join you in a couple months! This is so thrilling.

Love to you and little Elijah.

Amanda said...

Yay! congratulations!

The Chinlund Family said...

Yay, Ames and Steve!!! Congratulations a hundred times over! He's beautiful! Enjoy your sweet little Elijah and know we will be praying for you and your new family of 3 :)

The Bontragers said...

Congratulations to you both! What a beautiful baby. (and love the name!)

kristin said...

A little exciting!! How gracious of God to give him to you, and how gracious of God to give this little boy parents who know and fear Him. I'm very happy for you! :)

Marianne said...

Oh my word! Congratulations! He's really beautiful. I hope you're feeling well, Amy.

Kayla said...

Congratulations Kannels!! He looks so precious! Enjoy every second of this. Can't wait to see him in person. God Bless

Anonymous said...

Beautiful boy! Much love to wee Elijah and his happy new parents.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday little man! Congrats to your happy little family!

Anonymous said...

What a little cutie! Love the name. Congratulations and hope you relax and enjoy your first days with him.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful. Have fun with him.

Bethany said...

He is a cutie!!! Congrats. Enjoy him. MY Brother Josh and SIL Sarah had their little boy on the same day!! Fun

kristenlea47 said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and he is soooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! He's a cutie!!! Thanks for posting the announcement and pictures :)

Don't delay in blogging for too long! We want to hear the birth story!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Kannel family! Looking forward to meeting Elijah one day.
Love, Sandra

Anonymous said...

He's adorable! Congratulations and I hope you post the birth story (eventually ;*)) on GCM. Praying that God blesses your precious family.

Anonymous said...

Aww! Amy, he is so adorable! Try and get some rest. I will be praying for you!

Kelly said...

How can you stand all the cuteness? What a doll! :)
Love you, Amy! I'm proud of you!

faith ann raider said...

Oh!!! He is SO beautiful!! I know you must be so glad he's finally here. I've just got to say:
1. REST - I know you hear it from everybody but... when there's dishes and laundry, people to talk to places to go and everything else! Remember that he's going to grow up SO fast. Looking back, it feels like they are only babies for about thirty seconds!!
2. Take lots of pictures. You can NEVER have too many! They change SO fast!! Just try to set up an organization system for them so that a year or two down the road when you're doing an album or whatever you're not looking at a photo thinking "was he four-months or five in this photo?" You think you'll never forget, but really, you will.

Bec said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful :)

Combs said...

Absolutely gorgeous, congratulations. Hope he doesn't keep you up to many nights. :)
Blessings to you all, you're in my prayers.

B,P,R,S & L said...

Beautiful baby!! I thought it was a boy. You looked like you had a basketball under your shirt, not round all over like I was with my girls. Congrats!! Enjoy him while he's small. They grow sooooo fast!!

Josh Hilty said...

Ohhhh. He is a gift.

Josh Hilty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
a suburban housewife said...

Absolutely gorgeous...

Aeron said...

words cannot express how excited i am for you guys!!!!!!!! he is absolutely beautiful...full head of hair! and i love the name. :)

can't wait to come see you guys sometime!

Vol Abroad said...

congrats! he's one of the loveliest newborns I've seen

Anonymous said...

Oh MY GOODNESS....he is absolutely beautiful! We're so excited for you all and look forward to meeting "Fweet Baby Lijah." As Sophie says.

Anonymous said...

We miss you Amy!!! Best wishes to you, Steve, and baby Elijah!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!! he is beautiful! Seems so surreal..who would have though 22 years ago you'd be here huh :) i love you both and can't wait to meet him!!

ps..when you get time send me your #, apparently i still have your old cell number!

Kelly said...

I just noticed that your last post before Elijah was almost exactly 24 hours before his birth. Wow, things must have gone relatively swift for you. Can't wait to hear the story someday. :)

rebekah said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! i am SO sorry that i have missed this -- and i am catching up late :) i HATE not having internet!

love you! beautiful boy and beautiful name :)

miss you!

ErinOrtlund said...

He is absolutely beautiful! And I love your nursery! I was never gifted with decorating like that!

Elizabeth said...

He's beautiful, Congratulations

TKB said...

Congrats Amy! He is so adorable! I can't wait to read more updates. He really is a beautiful baby. I know you are excited. This makes me even more excited about the thought of our baby boy arriving in a couple of months.
Have a great day!

Jules said...

He is SO handsome Ames! I can't wait to meet him (and for Joel to meet him too)!

tonymyles said...

New babies rock!

TKB said...

Very exciting...congrats!

The Parker Family said...

BIG congrats from all us here!! So happy to hear your news. May Elijah never remember a day he didn't know the Lord!
Rest often, Amy!
Love, The Parkers

Anonymous said...

I can't belive I have waited this long to check out your site. I should have known I would find pictures here! He is just a bundle of love. Hope you are doing well. I heard the news the day he was born through Melissa. We are so happy for you and Steve.

Zoanna said...

Amy, he is gorgious! I can't berleive I've been so long in visiting your site. (My sidebar went down and without it I am toast and if no one comments on mine I forget the links.)

OH, he looks so alert for being so new!!! Love the name, too. ANd pray you are enjoying motherhood. If not, you're not alone. It's a blessing but sometimes you have to stretch to believe it when you're sleep deprived and hormonal.