Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Why Can't People Put Their Carts Back?

I have that self-righteous indignation every time I go to Kroger. Next time I may think differently about it, thanks to Mark Lauterbach. This is what I love about him: He can see shopping carts scattered all over a parking lot and make a gospel application. Go read it!


Anonymous said...

That was great! I love it when the gospel is accurately portrayed in little aspects of life like that. It may sound silly, but I was watching "What Not to Wear" with my sisters last week, and it was a "revisit" episode with about eight of the women who had been on the show previously. They were talking about having become new people on the show - about becoming someone completely different when they discarded their old wardrobes and their old ways of life. And I thought of that verse, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation." It's fun to see a biblical concept mirrored in a secular thought process.

sara jean said...

Amy, I was also very encouraged by this quote. This is the second or third time that the Lord has used the illistration of Moses to encourage me to keep going, stay strong, and look at my circumstances from an eternal perspective. Praise the Lord for allowing His word to speak to our hearts in personal ways.

Zoanna said...

I stand guilty. The night before I read this, I left my shopping cart in the parking lot. It was dark out, I was scared about the walk to the cart corral which wasn't that close to my van and there wasn't a security truck right there. Am I off the hook or still lazy (AND untrusting?)