Thursday, August 02, 2007

Thankful Thursday, Take 44

Goodness, aren't YOU thankful--not just one but THREE posts today! Wasn't planning on it--but I completely forgot until just now that today was Thankful Thursday :)

This week I'm thanking God for...
  • the midwives I see every week now
  • the few shirts I have that are long enough to cover my belly
  • milk
  • ice packs
  • the guest bedroom sheets I bought on mega-sale last weekend
  • all the baby items we've been generously given
  • Steve's remodeling skills
  • encouragement from others
  • indoor plumbing--those poor pregnant women back in the days of outhouses, I can't imagine!
  • Steve's job
  • colors and patterns
  • companies with great customer service
  • the satisfaction of crossing items off my to-do list
  • His preserving grace

1 comment:

Natalie said...


I'm so excited for you and Steve. You're going to be great parents...your little one is sure lucky to have you both as parents!

By the way, you really do look GREAT - even though I know you feel huge.

And, the nursery is just darling. Even from the pictures, it seems like a very peaceful, homey place for he/she to call home.

Thanks for the updates on how you're doing. I'm praying for you in these last few weeks!

Love ya!

PS - I don't know if you know, but I've taken the permissions off of my blog so you should be able to put it into your bloglines now.