700. the opportunity to use my gifts in a really small way to help the local pregnancy resource center
701. a great memory
702. my classmates' legwork in tracking down other classmates for our high school reunion
703. donuts from the Donut Palace (YUM!) with my little man and a sweet friend
704. the ability to braid hair
705. Wednesday night prayer with families from church
706. hours at an "old" (relatively--in Tennessee-resident time) friend's house catching up
707. the joy of watching Elijah and her three-year-old have a blast playing together
708. phone call from a truly "old" (the length of our friendship, not her age :) friend
709. purple toenail polish
710. the fact that I can still reach my feet to paint my toenails :)
711. farm-fresh sweet corn
712. Jesus the perfect Elder Brother, who came to the far country to seek and save me
713. Lakeside (my high school church camp), and how He drew me to Himself there 13 years ago last week
714. funny memories from six summers there
715. opportunities to practice hospitality
716. the growing farmers' market in town
717. Steve working hard on the staircase; Elijah "helping" Daddy
718. roast beef and potatoes and onions and carrots for dinner
719. three gallon bags of colorful vegetable beef soup in the freezer
720. homemade apple butter--a smashing success, and EASY
721. the fact that Steve only has to work weekends 2-3 times a year
722. our pastor's faithfulness to preach the Word and point to Christ in every text
723. the Son of David, whose sacrifice for sin cost Him EVERYTHING
724. a morning at the park with a new friend and her beautiful girlies
725. the pleasure of watching Elijah have fun--and display newfound bravery--with the girls
726. grace to filter disappointing news through the lens of His faithfulness and wise, sovereign love

1 comment:
Your lists always inspire me, Amy. I love #704, 710, 713.
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