727. the end of the box of Frosted Mini-Wheats
728. the scent of fresh-snipped thyme
729. a free new cell phone with a QWERTY keyboard
730. toilet paper on sale when we needed it
731. the fact that Elijah isn't picky and doesn't care when I screw up his morning egg
732. giggles and kisses first thing in the morning
733. not *having* to use my clothesline
734. meal planning, and flexibility in my plans
735. waking early and feeling rested
736. being able to easily transfer all my contacts from my old cell phone
737. classmates who are totally on the ball with reunion RSVPs
738. non-hydrogenated vegetable shortening for pie crust
739. first tomato pie of the season
740. the gorgeous tomatoes I've been getting at the farmers' market
741. Elijah "helping" Daddy mud the drywall in the hallway
742. the privilege of intercession
743. Christ who constantly intercedes for me
744. dinner with dear friends on Friday night
745. my friend doing all the dishes and leaving me with a clean sink!
746. backrubs from my hubby
747. more powerful, Christ-exalting teaching from our pastor (you should podcast it!)
748. having the poor, the needy, the broken among us and being stretched
749. dinner in the crockpot before 8 AM
750. extra in the freezer for this fall
751. the peace and perspective that giving thanks brings
752. the contagiousness of gratitude: how once you get going, sometimes it's hard to stop

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