Haven't had the time (or made the time) for a thoughtful blog post, though I've got several ideas. Meanwhile, realized I haven't done the Simple Woman's Daybook for a while...
Outside my window...
hot, hot, hot. I have to admit I haven't been exercising. Meant to go for a walk both yesterday and today...but by the time our meeting was done this morning it was going on 11:00 and the heat index was already 98 degrees. I decided against it. Also, mosquitoes swarming everywhere. Seriously, I have to put on bug spray to hang clothes on the line. Needless to say we don't go out much :(
I am thinking...
that I need to get off the computer for now and start making pie crust!
I am thankful for...
the fact that Elijah sleeps so well. The child actually *asks* to take naps ("take a map?") on a regular basis. It feels so wrong. But amazing.
From the kitchen...
dinner tonight was the summer's first tomato pie...YUMMO. With local, organically grown tomatoes I got at the farmers' market. They are the most brilliantly gorgeous RED inside! Last night I did some baking for the first time in a while--Smitten Kitchen's big crumb rhubarb coffee cake, which Steve said was like something they'd sell at Starbucks, it's so showy, and some banana muffins. This weekend I'm hoping to freeze more meals, including Italian meatloaf and some cream of mushroom soup.
I am wearing...
a t-shirt from my brother's fire station...which barely covers my growing belly...khaki shorts which are maternity shorts but totally digging into my belly...and the uniform black Reef flip-flops that never come off my feet all summer long.
I am creating...
an invitation for our 10-year high school reunion. And cursing all my classmates who don't use email in the 21st century...and cursing myself for procrastinating WAY too long on this whole reunion planning nonsense...and vowing to form a reunion committee for 2015.
I am going...
to bed, very shortly...and then I am going to get up extra early tomorrow and go for a walk before Steve leaves for work and before it gets too hot. Really, I am...especially now that I have the accountability of telling the whole internet!
I am reading...
mostly counseling books and birth books--not much time left over for other just-for-fun selections (though I do enjoy both these types of books). Our main class textbook is Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands, and pretty soon I'll need to start War of Words. Birth-wise, I'm in the middle of skimming through The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth (it's mostly stuff I'm already familiar with--but so far I would *highly* recommend it) and hoping to order a couple of other books soon as I prepare for the birth of baby #2. One of these days I'll get back to A Passion for the Impossible, a biography of Lilias Trotter that I picked up in May...and all the other books I'm midway through...
I am hoping...
that this birth and postpartum period will be dramatically different than the last one--and that no matter how God chooses to answer all my prayers, I will choose to trust Him and praise Him.
I am hearing...
songs from one of my favorite playlists, a mix of all the Sovereign Grace Music albums I own.
Around the house...
baskets of clean laundry needing to be folded; drywall mud all over the walls in the dining room/hallway; dishes piled up in the kitchen; toys and books scattered all over the living room. You know, life as usual :)
One of my favorite things...
Elijah running to me and asking, "Kiss it?" because he has bumped his head or his toe or his arm--and the fact that at this age, my kisses really do make it "all better" :)
A few plans for the rest of the week...
a friend from church and her two little girls are coming over for lunch this week--for the last time before they move out of state :( I'm glad I'll get the opportunity to spend a little time with her before they go. Then some dear friends from our old church, whom we haven't seen in ages, are coming for dinner tomorrow night!
A picture thought I am sharing...
as Steve has been working on the stairs, he's had a little helper who is GLUED to his side. Elijah is fascinated by all of Daddy's tools. He can barely hold the cordless drill, but it cracks me up that he knows exactly where to put it, on the screws Daddy has already put in!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
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Is it wrong that I'm so happy to see him wearing a diaper? We're giving up on potty training here.
haha, BK...guess my secret's out. not only is E still in a diaper...a diaper is *ALL* he wears many afternoons/evenings...we have to strip him completely down so he doesn't overheat for naps, and then after he gets up, we often don't bother to dress him again if we're not going anywhere :) just keeping it real around here!
glad to hear we're not the only almost-3-yo not potty trained. I bought a potty and he likes to sit on it--fully clothed--while I go potty. that's as far as it goes. I haven't even tried to work on it. I was visiting a friend last week and saying how I really needed to get it done before baby #2 comes and she said DON'T, that she's heard too many stories of them regressing and having to start all over again after the new baby arrives...so I guess I really am not in a hurry! and this friend's 3yo had at least three accidents in the 4-5 hours I was there... :P
I'll be honest, a big part of me wishes I would have stuck with cloth diapers, though. he may be going back into them soon as I get out my stash and get it prepped for this fall. we'll see.
So jealous of all the food you're putting away. And I need to seriously read up on birthing again. Kinda feel ill-prepared this time, not doing childbirth classes or anything. I really want to "go natural" this time so I really need to prep for it!
Have no worries about potty training. Owen is still in a diaper and Duncan is mostly potty trained for pee but still not consistent with #2!!!! I really would like to get that taken care of before focusing on Owen! And having a baby in the midst of it all. Crazy stuff! :) If they could both be trained by winter, I'd be so happy!
I have just started to experience the amazingness of a good napper... Christian is 5 months old and takes 3 naps a day... two of them are 1.5-2 hours long... and he sleeps 11+ hours at night. It is such a blessing!
I need to take a walk today too... and do pilates...
I love the recipes you share!
Oh, and A Passion for the Impossible is one of my favorite books ever. I LOVE it. I've read it many times and wrote a paper on it in college. So good!
Take it from someone with three boys - all now successfully potty trained. Don't even try until he's at least three! Boys just typically aren't ready. Let him play and not have the worry of potty training. I can say quite confidently that he won't head to kindergarten in a diaper - he'll get it before then! :)
I just made the Rhubarb Coffee Cake with fresh rhubarb from our town's farmer's market. It is seriously the best coffee cake ever!! Thanks so much for sharing.
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