Just for fun on a Friday, here's a twist on the Simple Woman's Daybook that a gal named Dea made up. I saved it more than a year ago (maybe two years ago?) and never have done it.
Today I am pondering...
Why the shape of my hair is best when the look and texture of it is worst (it desperately needs to be washed). It looks greasy but I like the way it is laying today. My short haircut is two months grown out and really needs reshaped. I'm also pondering when and where I should get that done...but not very seriously because there's too much else on my to-do list. Like Christmas shopping which I haven't even started...really, I have not purchased even one gift...
I am memorizing...
Needing to brush up on the poetic version of Milton Vincent's Gospel Primer--I'm set to recite it for our church's Christmas celebration next Sunday. I memorized it a year and a half ago, and I'm pretty sure I still have the vast majority of it. Because it's a metered, rhyming poem, it's a lot easier--so I just need to revisit it a little and make sure it's solid.
I am thankful for...
weekends, and a husband who doesn't have to work on them. TGIF.
Today I am pondering...
Why the shape of my hair is best when the look and texture of it is worst (it desperately needs to be washed). It looks greasy but I like the way it is laying today. My short haircut is two months grown out and really needs reshaped. I'm also pondering when and where I should get that done...but not very seriously because there's too much else on my to-do list. Like Christmas shopping which I haven't even started...really, I have not purchased even one gift...
I am memorizing...
Needing to brush up on the poetic version of Milton Vincent's Gospel Primer--I'm set to recite it for our church's Christmas celebration next Sunday. I memorized it a year and a half ago, and I'm pretty sure I still have the vast majority of it. Because it's a metered, rhyming poem, it's a lot easier--so I just need to revisit it a little and make sure it's solid.
I am thankful for...
weekends, and a husband who doesn't have to work on them. TGIF.
I am studying...
the word "hem" in Psalm 139:5. Had some interesting thoughts about it yesterday and then went in a totally different direction when I looked up the Hebrew this morning. May be a blog post coming up.
the word "hem" in Psalm 139:5. Had some interesting thoughts about it yesterday and then went in a totally different direction when I looked up the Hebrew this morning. May be a blog post coming up.
Bible reading schedule for today...
I don't have much of a schedule. I'm in the Psalms--was in 139 yesterday and am lingering there--and am gearing up to start 2 Kings. I don't follow a read-through-in-a-year plan...in the past that has not been fruitful for me as much as lingering longer on shorter passages.
Other books I'm reading sporadically...
Just downloaded A.D. Chronicles #9: Ninth Witness for my Kindle yesterday...I have hard copies of the first eight and then didn't keep up with the series and now I'm three or so books behind. And then I discovered that Wrestling With an Angel by a blogger I really admire--Greg Lucas--was only $4.99 for Kindle...so I picked that up too. Can't wait to start it. Also, I'm dipping semi-regularly into Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotional. I found a version for only $0.99 for Kindle, which compensates for the fact that it's KJV and old-fashioned language. (Kindle addiction, anyone?)
I don't have much of a schedule. I'm in the Psalms--was in 139 yesterday and am lingering there--and am gearing up to start 2 Kings. I don't follow a read-through-in-a-year plan...in the past that has not been fruitful for me as much as lingering longer on shorter passages.
Other books I'm reading sporadically...
Just downloaded A.D. Chronicles #9: Ninth Witness for my Kindle yesterday...I have hard copies of the first eight and then didn't keep up with the series and now I'm three or so books behind. And then I discovered that Wrestling With an Angel by a blogger I really admire--Greg Lucas--was only $4.99 for Kindle...so I picked that up too. Can't wait to start it. Also, I'm dipping semi-regularly into Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotional. I found a version for only $0.99 for Kindle, which compensates for the fact that it's KJV and old-fashioned language. (Kindle addiction, anyone?)
Most recent online sermon I have listened to...
Not sure. Unfortunately our church hasn't been uploading our pastor's sermons the last couple of weeks, and since we were gone over Thanksgiving I'm two weeks behind on those. I haven't listened to any others recently; the last one might have been one from Kevin DeYoung's series on Leviticus. Which I am intrigued by and definitely plan to listen to more.Song going through my head today...
Not really going through my head, but we've listened to it a lot lately: Straight No Chaser's "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Elijah asked for it upon waking up first thing this morning and again immediately after his nap: "Pear? Pear tree?" :) We've got Christmas music playing nonstop around here, but we have a LOT of it, so no particular song is lingering in my brain.I am anticipating...
picking up my mom from the airport tomorrow night!! Steve's going to be out of town for work training for several days, so Mom is coming down to save my sanity. No way could I survive being alone with both boys 24 hours a day for a week at this point.
picking up my mom from the airport tomorrow night!! Steve's going to be out of town for work training for several days, so Mom is coming down to save my sanity. No way could I survive being alone with both boys 24 hours a day for a week at this point.
A few plans for the rest of the week...
We need to finish decorating our Christmas tree tonight, and then just looking forward to a low-key Saturday with Steve before he leaves. On Sunday our church is having a few baptisms, which I'm excited about.Happy Friday, everyone!
Love Psalm 139… Used to have it committed to memory. Look forward to future blog posts about it!
I can relate to the hair dilemma. I can shape my hair better with natural oils (called GREASE!) than when it's fresh and clean. Ugh! I wish I could be at your church to hear your recitation. Praying it all comes back to you!
Shameless plug: Josh's sermons are always uploaded the Wednesday after he preaches. He had a really hard-hitting one to women on Sunday. Unconditional respect for your husband was something I'd never heard before. There's a link to the church website on my FB page if you're interested. :)
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